Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on the President’s Decision to Withdraw From The Paris Agreement

"Anyone who cares about the future of our planet and the future of our economy should remember his action this week and plan to vote him out of office..."

By - Jun 2nd, 2017 08:39 am
Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

MADISON — The following is the statement of Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning on the President’s decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement:

“Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement is a global embarrassment and gross abdication of American leadership. Not only does President Trump‘s decision fly in the face of scientific consensus about the impacts of climate change, it defies the wishes of the business community, international allies, and religious leaders, including Pope Francis.

“Furthermore, pulling out of the Paris agreement would hurt the U.S. economy and actually make the U.S. less competitive. We only need to look at the booming clean energy industry here in the U.S. to see how our values actually boost good jobs and the economy.

“Democrats are speaking with one voice, encouraging President Trump to stay in the Paris agreement because it is a historic step forward in our efforts to preserve our planet for future generations that is also fueling innovative industries right at home.

“The President has agreed to honor the four-year withdrawal process outlined in the Paris Agreement. Anyone who cares about the future of our planet and the future of our economy should remember his action this week and plan to vote him out of office to put a stop to our country’s withdrawal from such a vitally important agreement.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. Steve G says:

    Point of fact is that the president never said anything about the withdrawal negatively affecting our (best in the world) clean energy industry.
    In fact it would be enhanced as he did note that we would share that technology.

    For once let’s stand together against the global redistribution of our wealth that this deal, which would never have passed in congress, really was.

    Ask all the dem voters in Wisconsin who defected to Trump how they feel about the decision.
    My guess is that they would agree and will stick with Trump come 2020.
    And why not? It would be in their own best interest.

    The democratic party had no message last fall and they still don’t.

  2. Vincent Hanna says:

    This is just for political show. Every country sets their own policies as part of the agreement. He could have revised our policies rather than withdraw. It’s pandering to coal country. Sorry coal country and Trump lovers. Coal started going away years ago, and that will only increase since natural gas is cheaper and cleaner. People like Steve G live in an alternate universe.

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