Content referencing Dorothy Dean

Fair Housing Month Celebration April 18
Press Release

Fair Housing Month Celebration April 18

Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council Hosts Community Event to Commemorate April as National Fair Housing Month

Murphy’s Law: The Return of County Cronyism
Murphy’s Law

The Return of County Cronyism

Or maybe it never went away. Push for 36% salary hikes echoes mentality behind infamous county pension plan.

Murphy’s Law: Top County Jobs No Longer Needed?
Murphy’s Law

Top County Jobs No Longer Needed?

Positions of county treasurer, clerk and register of deeds should be eliminated, not given raises.

Wisconsin Celebrates Disability Voting Rights Week
City of Burlington Undermines Federal Civil Rights Law

Contribution to Tom Barrett of $250

City of Burlington Undermines Federal Civil Rights Law

Contribution to JoCasta Zamarripa of $150

City of Burlington Undermines Federal Civil Rights Law

Contribution to Patricia Najera of $200

City of Burlington Undermines Federal Civil Rights Law
Press Release

City of Burlington Undermines Federal Civil Rights Law

City Attorney OKs Vote Against ADA

Wisconsin-Based Civil Rights Organization to Ask Burlington To Rescind Council Vote

Contribution to JoCasta Zamarripa of $200

Wisconsin-Based Civil Rights Organization to Ask Burlington To Rescind Council Vote
Press Release

Wisconsin-Based Civil Rights Organization to Ask Burlington To Rescind Council Vote

Burlington City Council Voted Against the Civil Rights of Disabled (September 4, 2018)

The Roundup: Shepherd Figure to Run Madison Paper

Contribution to Tom Barrett of $100

The Roundup: Shepherd Figure to Run Madison Paper
The Roundup

Shepherd Figure to Run Madison Paper

Capital Papers Puts up the Capital

Murphy’s Law: How Gary Dobbert’s Buddies Got Yet Another Pension Benefit
Murphy’s Law

How Gary Dobbert’s Buddies Got Yet Another Pension Benefit

It's hard to believe there could be any more scandal associated with the Milwaukee County, but it turns out there was yet another group of insiders handed a neat pension boost by the administration of County Executive F. Thomas Ament.

Murphy’s Law: How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute
Murphy’s Law

How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute

Observers have often described county government as an "old boy's club," where veteran politicos and long-term county employees get preferential treatment.