Wisconsin Public Radio

Wisconsin Democrats Back Biden After Shaky Debate

State Republicans declare the president's performance shows he's unfit for the job.

By , Wisconsin Public Radio - Jun 29th, 2024 12:23 pm
Joe Biden. Photo from The White House.

Joe Biden. Photo from The White House.

Wisconsin’s Democratic leaders supported President Joe Biden Friday, following a shaky debate performance that left some in their party openly questioning whether a new candidate should take his place.

During the first presidential debate Thursday night, Biden lost his train of thought at times and spoke with a noticeably raspy voice. The president’s campaign said he had a cold.

Former President Donald Trump spoke louder and more forcefully, but spread falsehoods about finishing the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, downplayed the Jan. 6th attack on the U.S. capitol and described the America as a “failing nation.”

After the debate was over, however, much of the focus was on Biden, with national Democratic commentators questioning whether their party should replace the president with a younger candidate at the top of the ticket.

“He had one thing he had to accomplish, and that was reassure America that he was up to the job at his age,” said former Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri on MSNBC. “He failed at that tonight.”

“There are going to be discussions about whether he should continue,” Democratic operative David Axelrod told CNN.

The day after the debate, Wisconsin Democrats weren’t sounding the same alarms in their own public comments.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Ben Wikler told WPR it was a “tough debate, no question” and that he wished somebody would have given Biden a lozenge on the debate stage Thursday night.

Wikler said his goal is to ensure voters see many different moments “in the campaigning arc of Joe Biden,” like his energetic speech after the debate and his rally in North Carolina Friday morning.

“For folks that are wavering and got nervous during the debate, go watch Biden in North Carolina and think about how effective he is when he’s out on the campaign trail,” Wikler said. “The second thing I’d say is that you can’t wring your hands when you’re rolling up your sleeves, and this election is one where all of us can play a starring role in making sure that democracy survives and Biden is reelected.”

Democratic state Rep. Jodi Emerson of Eau Claire responded on Facebook Friday morning to social media posts from people stating they won’t be voting at all in the upcoming election. She said the election isn’t just about Biden and Trump.

“So please don’t stay home,” Emerson wrote. “You might not like the top of the ticket but the rest of the ticket is fighting for a women’s right to control her own body, public school funding, clean water, saving our land, affordable housing, affordable childcare, making sure our communities are safe and welcoming to all, and making sure we are building a world that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can live in and thrive in.”

In a written statement, Gov. Tony Evers supported Biden, saying Trump “is a dangerous threat to our democracy” who is “incapable of being honest.”

“I’ll be voting for President Biden this November because I believe he’s a man of integrity,” Evers said.

Still, the Associated Press reported that Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who is also up for reelection this year, distanced herself from Biden and didn’t answer questions about his debate performance.

“Tammy Baldwin is running her own race for the people of Wisconsin,” Baldwin campaign spokesperson Andrew Mamo told the AP. “Her focus will always be on showing up across the state, listening to working Wisconsinites, and fighting to make their lives better.”

Wisconsin Republicans have a field day with Biden’s debate performance

Wisconsin Republicans were far more critical of Biden’s flubs, questioning whether he was still fit to serve as president.

In a written statement to WPR, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, said he hopes Biden’s performance “made it clear to voters that we are a country without a President.”

“It is sad at best and terrifying at worst, that the safety of our nation rests with someone who clearly is cognitively incapable of protecting us,” Vos said.

Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Brian Schimming said the debate “was not about Joe Biden’s ability to get through an hour and a half debate.”“It was about whether he can make it through another four years as Commander in Chief,” Schimming said in a statement. “Biden demonstrated he is incapable of either.”A post from Republican U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden of Prairie du Chien claimed that anyone “who blindly votes for Biden or any other Democratic candidate pushed forward at this point is a member of a cult.”A fundraising email from Republican U.S. Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Clyman sent Friday said “Biden could barely put two words together.”

“It’s clear that his cognitive abilities have taken a nosedive,” Fitzgerald said.

Trump and Biden have five months to shore up their support before the November general election. The Republican National Convention is set to begin July 15 in Milwaukee, with the Democratic National Convention beginning Aug. 19 in Chicago.

The latest polling from the Marquette University Law School showed Biden and Trump virtually tied in Wisconsin with a 50-50 split among registered voters.

Listen to the WPR report

Wisconsin Democrats back Biden after shaky debate performance was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio.

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15 thoughts on “Wisconsin Democrats Back Biden After Shaky Debate”

  1. Thomas Sepllman says:

    Republicans have a field day with a LIER

    I guess it seems that everyone has forgotten that Joe Biden has a disability It seems that folks have forgotten that a stutter has two parts one that it is hard to say certain words but equally important it is difficult to find the words that you want to use. Also no one has commented on Biden’s “white” color for the first half of the debate His normal complexation came back about half way through. Joe Biden has a disability and that is OK While Trump can talk he either does not answer the question OR he LIES. That it was Pelosi’s fault was crazy and on that alone should

    What were those who were preparing Biden THINKING They clearly were not thinking Ie the State of the union address was on a teleprompter and this was not that so there had to be a totally different style Hummmm Brains Where are they

  2. robertm60a3 says:

    Isn’t there someone else?

    Former President Trump is bad – but, then look at Biden at best, confused. The failure in Afghanistan wasn’t all Biden. Trump started (poor advice for the State Department) direct negotiations with the Taliban. But, the failure is Biden – killing a family with a drone strike and no one held accountable? Former President Trump is right. The war in the Ukraine should have never happened—more and more money to Israeli to kill women and children. Our money (and borrowed money) wasted that doesn’t solve the problem of terrorism. No one is fired for failures – the US ran out of baby formula???

    I would vote for Michelle Obama. We need someone like President Lincoln or Eisenhower.

    I don’t understand those in Government who allow military leaders to retire at their current rank – after taking bribes – read about Fat Leonard. Why isn’t the Active Military doing something – helping the people when there are fires and natural disasters? Why did Representative Fitzgerald votes to stop the active military from helping in the United States and then votes to keep George Santos in office? What has Representative Fitzgerald done to hold anyone in government (including the military) accountable for anything?

    Fitzgerald sent out a special e-mail about his vote for the PACT Act. He didn’t tell you that the millions and millions of extra money leaders (those who are supposed to be leaders) in the Veteran Administration now pay themselves in bonuses.
    The law could have included money for more doctors and other medical providers. What- if Fitzgerald had given the law a little more thought? What if the PACT Act had expanded the Department of Defense Medical School with an eight-year service requirement for anyone attending the military’s medical school? The law could have allowed US Army, Navy, and Air Force doctors and nurses to practice at Veterans Hospitals, providing necessary medical coverage. Instead of providing money to increase the number of medical providers, Fitzgerald created a bidding war – so when your grandmother can’t find a doctor, it’s because Medicare doesn’t pay as much as the Veterans Hospital, and her doctor has gone for the bigger paycheck.

    We may be without a President – but where are those in Congress? What are they doing to hold anyone accountable? What has Fitzgerald done that he can be proud of? Wasting billions and billions and borrowing more and more money – Fitzgerald talks a lot about accountability (as do others), and then does NOTHING?


  3. TransitRider says:

    I guess when special prosecutor Robert Hur called Biden “an elderly man with a poor memory”, he witnessed the same Joe Biden we saw Thursday night. Without a teleprompter showing a speech written by someone else (like he had at the State of the Union address), Biden seems confused and lost, even with a solid week of prep.

    I saw a clip of Biden from 2018—the difference between 2018 Biden and 2024 Biden is astounding. It’s frightening to imagine what a President Biden might be like by 2028.

  4. Thomas Sepllman says:

    It was the solid week of prep that was the mistake. Yes it is all a gamble and what a gamble it is! Changing horses in the middle of a raging river? Yes which way to go?

    And is ever Trump an option for any reason? It really is the party that we are voting for and while we have often seen our President as King for 4 years maybe that is not the option this time. It is Democracy vs Dictator

  5. TransitRider says:

    Biden must go to prevent Mike Johnson from assuming the Presidency. (Read on…)

    I very much want to see Trump defeated (but expect him to win—especially since Biden is in clearly failing health). Even if we somehow elect Biden/Harris (but the GOP retains control of the House—regardless of what happens in the Senate), that opens the door for Mike Johnson to become president.

    If Biden dies (or slips so far that even obedient Democrats agree to remove him via the 25th Amendment), then Harris would become president, making House Speaker Mike Johnson next in line. While President Harris could name a new VP (like Nixon and Ford did in the 1970’s), that new VP must be approved by majority vote in BOTH houses of Congress.

    There is no way a GOP controlled House would ever “demote” Mike Johnson (or any other GOP Speaker) by ratifying any Harris VP choice. As soon as Harris visits another country, what is to stop Speaker Johnson from claiming the Presidency? The US Supreme Court???

  6. kaygeeret says:

    It really is a very simple issue.

    I will ALWAYS vote for a dead bug on the driveway before I vote for the crook trump.


    Plus, please remember you are also voting for the party and this version of republicans is pure dictator hogwash. Everything for the few, nothing for the rest of us.

  7. robertm60a3 says:

    So, what is being done to make people aware of Representative Fitzgerald’s failings? How do we create a focus on what those representing us in Congress do vs their talking about everything but their actual accomplishments?

  8. mkwagner says:

    45 used a technique called gish galloping. The technique involves spewing in rapid fire as many points as possible. The galloper fires off a series of misinformation, disinformation as well as half truths and outright lies. The opponent does not have sufficient time to refute all these points. Attempting to do so appears weak. The only way to legitimate way to respond is to not respond.
    As for Biden’s age, he is only 3 years older than 45. However, he is in much better shape than 45. How many of 45’s speeches make no sense what so ever? This might very well be a sign of TIA or mini-strokes. TIAs often are warning signs of a massive stroke.
    Mental capacity, maturity, emotional intelligence, and integrity are all more important indicators of competence than age. 45 lacks in all these qualities.

  9. robertm60a3 says:

    I agree with M Wagner that former President Trump has real issues, including the mishandling of classified documents. However,

    President Biden also has more than a few failings, and the debate made it clear that there were times when he was confused.

    There is the question of how the country ended up in a place where voting for President is the lesser of two evils.

    What happened to newspapers that reported every vote in Congress, including who was voting for what? What happened to real reporting at the White House, State Department, and Defense?

    Could Romney run? What about Michelle Obama?

    There is also the let’s talk about the President and forget about those in Congress – Representative Fitzgerald and our Senators. How does that work? There are real problems – national debt, for one. There is also the security of the United States. How did we (the voters) allow the President to assume so much power? What happened to Congress? Both of those running have problems. But, I would hope there would be better in the group of those elected to the Congress. Yet, no one holds Congress accountable – and we are where we are. . .


  10. Thomas Sepllman says:

    Again Remember that Biden has a stutter and that is what we saw. His handlers did him no favors to say the least. Peace

  11. Duane says:

    Seriously, is Biden the best candidate the Democrats have? If so we are in deep trouble as in “hello Project 2025”. Governor Gretchen Whitmer won MI buy 11 points and Governor Josh Shapiro won PA by 15, important swing states. Both Governors would represent a great Democratic ticket to beat Trump. Why are we sticking with a weak egotistical candidate who will probably lose to the most pathetic, disgusting, visually freaky opposition candidate, i.e., Trump in a landslide? Eff around and find out dumb Dems.

  12. Thomas Sepllman says:

    Ah if it only worked that way. And why are you not calling for Trump to be replaced?? With Trump gone everything is different BUT Trump is front and center even though he is LIES 36 times in a debate and did not answer basic question but that is OK. Why Biden is not talking about his stutter I do not know but what we saw was the impact of his stutter on his “performance”.

  13. robertm60a3 says:

    I don’t support Trump. I would be more than happy to see him replaced.

    Trump’s appeal is that people want to see improvements. They want more jobs, less crime, and pride in the United States. Trump goes on and on about making America Great Again and draining the swamp. People want to believe that somehow things will be better. My question is, what did he do during his four years in office?

    We have too many in office that promise to improve education, reduce crime, create jobs, and . . . yet the country sees greater debt, and we can’t even get high-speed rail right. We waste BILLIONS. . .

    So, there are those we elect that do nothing, and then there are the poorly thought-out laws. Look at Representative Fitzgerald in the PACT Act (just one example). One thing that the law is supposed to do is take care of veterans who were exposed to toxic smoke from burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    -It is “known that exposing Soldiers to toxic smoke isn’t a good idea.” Yet, there is nothing that holds anyone responsible. No General is reduced in rank on the retired list. No medical officer is reduced in rank. There is nothing no accountability for the “dumb” of ordering US Military – enlisted – military to burn trash, which included hazardous material.

    -The PACT Act allows the Veterans Administration to award bonuses to attract doctors and other medical providers to Veterans Administration Hospitals. The focus is creating a salary package that is too good to refuse. So, instead of focusing on creating more medical providers – the doctor treating your grandmother and accepting Medicare has closed his or her office and moved on to more money working at a Veterans Hospital. But it gets better – we, of course, have to pay even more to administrators. Do hospitals need more administrators or doctors? “VA Inspector General – the department improperly awarded $10.8 million in critical skills incentives (CSIs) to more than 180 executives last fall.” An average of $60,000 in addition to six-figure salaries. Do executives provide direct patient care?

    –Your grandmother’s medicare doctor now works for the Veterans Hospital, making the big bucks.

    –There are more administrators at the Veterans Hospitals, making even more money for administration.

    -Were there alternatives?

    —Expand the Department of Defense Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. Create more doctors, advanced practice nurses, and other medical professionals. Increase the number of doctors and nurses authorized in the Army, Navy, and Air Force and allow the military services to assign doctors to Veteran Hospitals.

    —Provide that 10% of those attending a service academy work toward a medical degree.

    —Increase the size and funding of the Department of the Army Licensed Practical Nursing Program and, again, allow the Army to assign active-duty medical Soldiers to Veteran Hospitals to care for patients.

    A lot could have been done to increase the number of medical providers. But we listen to how great this or that is without asking questions, and then we vote, and Fitzgerald and others are reelected and reelected. Why???

  14. Thomas Sepllman says:

    Some of what you say is true BUT it has little to do with Biden and lots to do with the dysfunction of both chambers of the Congress and MAGA

    The trick is to finally be done with TRUMP He has dominated our lives for is it 8 or 9 years of our lives NOW and NOTHING GOOD has come of it except to know how vulnerable we really are and how lucky we have been. That the Congress does not see Putin as Hitler is mindboggling. That really is the primary issue. We just roast and let MAGA claim that there is NO global warming The only good news is that the heat will impact the south more than the north

  15. robertm60a3 says:

    Doesn’t it have something to do with the dysfunction of the voters? What are we doing as voters?

    Do we ask questions? There seems to be this focus on the President and forgetting that there are those in Congress. I find it hard to understand why we don’t seem to care about Fitzgerald, but people will protest this or that, not understanding that there is a limit to what the President can or should be allowed to do. Yet we “allow” those in Congress to blame the President for their failings and vote them in again.

    MILLIONS AND MILLIONS – hundreds of millions to Presidential Elections. People go out knocking on doors and completely forget . . . .

    So, yes, Trump is bad, and Bidon has questionable memory – also mishandled classed documents, failure in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel, is talking about how great the PACT Act is . . . I’m not happy with either party.

    Bidon is worried about Global Warming – so I’m I, and that is why South Africa sent more firefighters to help Canada with forest fires than the United States. It could have been a crash program looking at aircraft and what could be done to fight the forest fires. . . . next to nothing. Look at Hawaii and the fires in California. Why isn’t the US Military doing more?

    I’m also wondering why the voters aren’t holding their elected officials accountable.

    Thanks for caring enough to write.

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