Gerrymandering Wins In 2022 Election
Results show how voters are robbed of representation.

Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition by Tony Webster (CC BY 2.0)
In Wisconsin’s recent elections, we saw the ugly results of gerrymandering.
Gov. Evers won by 90,000 votes but still the Republicans gained more seats in the Legislature, coming within a whisker of a veto-proof majority.
Take a look at the Evers victory map. He won up in the northwest, taking Douglas, Bayfield, and Ashland counties by about 57 percent each.
And guess what? Those Democratic voters of Douglas, Bayfield, and Ashland counties now have zero representation in the State Legislature.
No State Senator, no Assembly person.
Because Robin Vos drew the maps not to abide by the county lines but to distort the districts by bringing in Republican voters from nearby red counties.
When he testified about the maps last fall, Vos admitted he “used partisanship” in drawing them. Basically, he confessed to the crime of gerrymandering.
There’s a huge grassroots effort in Wisconsin to ban gerrymandering. Already, 56 of our 72 counties have passed resolutions and referendums urging the Legislature to outlaw it.
And there’s a huge Wisconsin Supreme Court race coming up in April that will determine the ideological balance of the court. If a justice is elected who believes that gerrymandering undermines the will of the people, as guaranteed in our Wisconsin Constitution, then it’s possible that the Court could ban it.
Please go to to follow this issue and to see how you can help.
Matthew Rothschild, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.
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Republicans are fascists. A wisconsin nazi party.