Worker Shortage Is Top Issue In Race For Governor
Shortage is so extreme some businesses have closed or reduced services.

Help Wanted. Photo by Andreas Klinke Johannsen (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Remember back when jobs, jobs, jobs was the dominant issue in the race for governor of Wisconsin?
My friend Tom Hefty and I met in 2010 with several Republican big wigs who were planning Scott Walker’s campaign for his first term as governor. They had decided to run on job creation as Walker’s central issue because unemployment was high at 7.9%. The need for jobs affected many households in the state. To win a headline, I suggested that he needed specificity. “How about a pledge to create 250,000 jobs in his first term?” I asked.
Four days later the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel appeared with a top headline in monstrous size type. It was just the number “250,000.”
Walker won the election and a second term in 2014, still using jobs as a central theme.
But Walker’s sucker punch that he never brought up in the campaign side-tracked the jobs agenda. It was his infamous Act 10, which passed and took away the bargaining power of most of the public unions in the state. Walker faced a recall over Act 10 in 2012 and survived.
Flash forward to 2022 and job creation is way down the list for the five gubernatorial candidates. Indeed, in the short term, the state doesn’t need more jobs. It needs more workers. The shortage of labor is constraining job growth.
It’s a whole new world. The unemployment rate in Wisconsin has dipped to an all-time low at 2.8%. Employers are using every tactic they can think of to attract good workers.
The labor shortage is so extreme that some businesses have closed down or reduced services. That’s especially true in the hospitality business. Restaurants are particularly hard hit.
There are still thousands of people of employment age who have opted out of the workforce. Many could be brought back into the workplace with the right training and inducements. Public and private universities and the state’s technical colleges are facing enrollment declines, so they are getting creative about offering work-connected courses, shorter degree programs and skill certifications to jump people back into productive employment.
The labor shortage is so severe that it has given job candidates tremendous leverage. Some of them use it callously; they accept a new job and never show up for work or bail out after a couple days.
None of the five governor candidates facing the primary on August 9 have offered sufficient plans and enough resources to accelerate job readiness.
That’s less than strategic because the state is sitting on a surplus of $3.8 billion, even after a middle class tax cut of $2.4 billion. The economy is roaring back to life and throwing off unexpected tax revenues. That surplus could go even higher if more people were brought back to the workforce.
The free tuition could be tied to a period of public service in critical sectors as partial payback. Public policy could be voiced by the governor candidates to stimulate workforce development along with a responsibility to serve in under-manned sectors like nursing, teaching and childcare.
Youth and adult apprenticeships could be revved up. We know they work.
Back in 2010, big thinking worked for Gov. Walker, even though he only hit about half of the 250,000 job goal in his first term.
The job creation initiative broadly put into place a decade ago helped to create the robust economy we are enjoying today.
We can never forget about job creation because the economy is mercurial. The best bet for job creation over the last 20 years has been the Wisconsin’s strategic initiatives to stimulate entrepreneurship and startup companies. They are the job creators.
The biggest issue of the current campaign is not “rigged” elections. It is bold policy to pull more people into the workforce through job readiness.
John Torinus is the chairman of Serigraph Inc. and a former Milwaukee Sentinel business editor who blogs regularly at
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You know how you get more workers, Johnny? Not have a state be run by regressive Republicans that drive down wages, and drive away talent.
If you really thought that Walker was going to do anything to improve the state’s economy on either of those fronts, you’re an even bigger mediocrity than I think you are.
The only chance this state gets better for business in the 2020s is if Evers is re-elected, and if some of the regressive trash in the Legislature get knocked out.
John seems “willfully ignorant” as to the nature of today’s GOP.
Regarding his “But Walker’s sucker punch … was his infamous Act 10” comment. Was it really a sucker punch? I mean you have to be pretty stupid not to know that the GOP is anti-union (with an anti-government chaser) and has been since their patron saint took top office in 1981.
And regarding the comment, “The biggest issue of the current campaign is not “rigged” elections”. It is bold policy to pull more people into the workforce through job readiness”. John would be better served having a talk with the current leadership of the GOP. They are the ones making a huge issue out of “rigged elections” and engaging in a massive disinformation campaign.
And not related to the GOP but just a general comment regarding John’s apparent love of “supply side” Reagan. “The best bet for job creation over the last 20 years has been the Wisconsin’s strategic initiatives to stimulate entrepreneurship and startup companies. They are the job creators”. I always thought that demand creates jobs. If nobody buys your wicked new gadget how many jobs will your shuttered business have created?
One way of getting more workers is increased immigration. People from other countries want to come here and work.
Let them!
Agree with TransitRider, increased immigration is a moral and practical solution. Getting your buddies in the GOP would be a smarter task. Your slogan to create 250k jobs turned out to be one of the dumbest things Walker ever pledged. Watch the FED…you are going to see a cooling down by the time November hit. Too much easy money in the system, bubbles everywhere popping already. Your idea for public service tied to free tuition has already been implemented: it is called AmeriCorps, systematically undermined and underfunded by Republicans.
America manufactured everything for the world in the 1900’s. Milwaukee was known as “The Machine Shop Capital of the World”. Companies like Falk, Kearney and Trecker, Harnischfeger, Pabst, Schlitz, Blatz, and Allis Chalmers gave their blue collar employees job security, free health insurance, great wages, lots of overtime pay, and generous pensions. All of that disappeared when Ronald Reagan unleashed the Wall Street vultures on America.
Now our biggest employers are Walmart, Amazon, and McDonald’s… and the only things we export these days are bullets, bombs, war, death, and destruction.