Uihlein Super PAC Bankrolls Kleefisch Campaign
Conservative co-owner of Uline Co. gives $200,000 Republican Rebecca Kleefisch's campaign.

Jericho / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)
Billionaire GOP megadonor Elizabeth Uihlein contributed $200,000 last October to a Republican super PAC that’s backing former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch for governor.
Uihlein and her husband, Richard, of Lake Forest, Ill., founded Uline, a shipping supply company, and are among the leading contributors to GOP and conservative state and federal candidates and causes in the country.
Elizabeth Uihlein also contributed $20,000 last September directly to Kleefisch’s campaign, the maximum individual contribution allowed to a statewide candidate in Wisconsin.
Kleefisch raised nearly $3.4 million and spent nearly $1 million during the last six months of 2021, according to her campaign report filed Monday. She had about $2.6 million in her campaign account as of Dec. 31.
Super PAC backing Kleefisch for governor got $200K from Liz Uihlein was originally published by Wisconsin Examiner.
Go Rebecca Go!!!
The Uihlein’s have reportedly donated over $21m of their personal wealth to help stack the deck in favor of any goose-stepping joker willing to support their autocratic political agenda. (see: Louie Gomert, Ted Cruz, D.Trump, etc, etc).
Just ask the folks in Manitowish Waters if you’d like to know more about their imperious attitudes. A rumor is circulating that the couple has distributed palm leaves to local businesses there to be strewn in their path when they return Berchtesgaden in the spring.
“Reportedly” and “ A rumor is circulating “ sure makes for an insightful post…
Kleefisch’s interviews and statements reveal a disordered weird world view.
The best I can figure out is that if it benefits her big – and already obscenely wealthy donors – then it’s a go all in!
And the rest of it?? She doesn’t care or sputters on and on and finally makes no sense at all – or doubles down on an unintelligible conspiracy theory. And then talks louder.
She is a fascist
Campaign finance reform, including getting rid of Citizen’s United would be a good start.
Republicans are traitors. And they’re all racist.