Police Haven’t Ended Stop and Frisks
ACLU report finds Milwaukee police out of compliance with 2018 legal settlement.
![A Milwaukee Police Department officer pulls over a driver on N. Broadway. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_9863-e1585233934107-1024x663.jpg)
A Milwaukee Police Department officer pulls over a driver on N. Broadway. File photo by Jeramey Jannene.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Wisconsin is blasting the Milwaukee police, referencing a new report showing that stop and frisk practices did not cease in 2020. The report was prepared by an independent consultant as part of the 2018 stop and frisk settlement.
According to an ACLU press release, the report found that nearly 87% of frisks included in a sample of frisks made during the second half of 2020 were made without reasonable suspicion that a person was armed and dangerous. It also found that nearly 38% of pedestrian stops by the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) in the sample failed to show reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Some 60% of people stopped and 86% of those frisked were Black.
Currently, the ACLU is seeking to connect with people who have been stopped and frisked by MPD, but were not ticketed or arrested, since Jan. 1, 2020. Shakeshaft said, “The fact that almost three years have passed since the agreement was signed and MPD has continued its practice of discriminatory and unconstitutional stops and frisks shows that the department has been unwilling or incapable of doing so in an unbiased and lawful manner.”
“If Milwaukee police, even under a settlement filed with the court, cannot treat people constitutionally in routine encounters, then there is a serious problem,” she concluded.
MPD took a non-defensive, supportive approach to the report in a statement to Wisconsin Examiner. “The Milwaukee Police Department is grateful for the CJI Semiannual Analysis, which helps inform the department of its progress in achieving compliance with the Collins settlement agreement,” said a spokesperson. “The report highlights that during the reporting period (the second half of 2020), MPD achieved the compliance threshold of its traffic stops but must continue to improve its documentation of field interviews, frisks and no-action encounters. In January 2021, MPD began a six month department-wide training of all of its sworn members, which includes the feedback and recommendations of the plaintiff’s counsel. We will continue to prioritize full compliance.”
Reprinted with permission of Wisconsin Examiner.
More about the Stop-and-Frisk Lawsuit
- Police Haven’t Ended Stop and Frisks - Isiah Holmes - May 4th, 2021
- City Hall: Mixed Results on ACLU Settlement Compliance - Jeramey Jannene - Mar 26th, 2020
- City Hall: Committee Demands Stop-and-Frisk Plan - Gretchen Schuldt - Mar 2nd, 2020
- Mayor Tom Barrett released the following statement regarding the ACLU lawsuit report: - Mayor Tom Barrett - Feb 20th, 2020
- 38% of Police Stops Not Fully Documented - Alana Watson - Feb 19th, 2020
- Morales Blames ACLU Suit for Traffic Ticket Drop - Gretchen Schuldt - Nov 18th, 2019
- City Hall: MPD Complying With ACLU Settlement - Jeramey Jannene - Apr 5th, 2019
- ACLU Attempts to End Stop-And-Frisk Policing - Edgar Mendez - Oct 18th, 2018
- Court Watch: 16 Court Reforms of Police Department - Gretchen Schuldt - Aug 14th, 2018
- Will Settlement Change Police Practices? - Andrea Waxman - Jul 25th, 2018
Read more about Stop-and-Frisk Lawsuit here
Excellent article as usual Mr. Holmes.