Evers Raised $3.8 Million in 2020
Raised more money in off-election year than Walker or Doyle.
Democratic Gov. Tony Evers raised more than $3.8 million in 2020, with more than half of it coming from the state Democratic Party.
A recently filed campaign finance report that covered fundraising and spending for the last four months of the year showed the Evers campaign spent more than $1.7 million and ended 2020 with about $3.4 million in his campaign account.
Evers’ largest contributor was the state Democratic Party, which gave his campaign nearly $2.7 million last year. The campaign returned about $508,200, reducing the total contributions from the party to nearly $2.2 million for 2020.
After the state party, the largest individual and political action committee (PAC) contributions to Evers between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31 – the four months covered by his latest campaign report – were:
American Federation of Teachers – Wisconsin PAC, $25,000,
Wisconsin Laborers District Council PAC, $25,000,
Festival Foods PAC, $25,000
314 Action Victory PAC, $25,000,
William Wifler, Germantown, retired, $5,000,
Jim Skogsbergh, Hinsdale, Ill., chief executive officer of Advocate Health Care, $5,000,
David Shifeling, Eau Claire, a Marshfield Medical Center oncologist, $4,250.
Evers, who was elected in 2018 and faces reelection in 2022 should he chose to run, raised and banked more in his off-election year than his predecessors.
Former Republican Gov. Scott Walker raised nearly $1.8 million and had about $59,300 in his campaign account for his off-election year in 2016. Former Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle raised about $624,900 and had about $1.4 million in his campaign account at the end of his off-election year in 2008.
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