WMC Behind New Anti-Regulation Bill
State’s top business group pushed lame duck bill giving Republicans control of state rules.

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. Photo by Riley Vetterkind / Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism.
Business interests led by Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) backed a lame-duck session bill that would give the GOP-controlled legislature more control over state rules and laws.
The legislation, Assembly Bill 1070, would place six-month deadlines on state agencies to develop new standards in manuals and handbooks. The so-called guidance manuals are used to run programs and implement laws governing everything from hunting, fishing and other recreational activities to state environmental, air, and water pollution regulations.
Environmental groups and other critics say many programs and laws would be jeopardized because agencies would not be able to meet all of the requirements and deadlines in the bill.
“This bill would automatically rescind guidance documents that do not comply with these new requirements. Such action creates uncertainty and wastes many thousands of hours of agency staff time already put into existing guidance documents. Because it would be unclear which guidance documents would be automatically rescinded under this provision, it would also create uncertainty for the agency, the regulated community, and the public,” Midwest Environmental Advocates said in testimony on the bill.
WMC is the biggest lobbyist in the state and a huge election-time backer of Republicans and conservatives for legislative and statewide offices. Since January 2010, WMC has spent an estimated $25.2 million on outside electioneering activities.
AB1070 is part of a package of lame-duck session bills that was passed by the GOP-controlled legislature this week in order to restrict the power of incoming Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul and increase the authority of the legislature.
More about the Lame Duck Laws
- Four Years Later, State’s Lame Duck Law Still Faces Court Challenge - Shawn Johnson - Jan 17th, 2023
- Judge Rules Against Law Giving Legislators Power Over Attorney General Settlements - Shawn Johnson - May 11th, 2022
- State Supreme Court Dismisses AG’s Lame-Duck Lawsuit - Ruth Conniff - Mar 25th, 2021
- Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws - Melanie Conklin - Nov 24th, 2020
- AG Kaul Announces Legal Action to Allow DOJ to Again Enforce Wisconsin Laws Without Unconstitutional Legislative Interference - Josh Kaul - Nov 23rd, 2020
- Vos Thinks Lame-Duck Session Didn’t Go Far Enough - Melanie Conklin - Jul 31st, 2020
- The State of Politics: Court Rulings Against Evers Sow Confusion - Steven Walters - Jul 20th, 2020
- Court Tosses Dems’ Lame-Duck Suit - Laurel White - Jul 16th, 2020
- Op Ed: State High Court Nullifies 2018 Election - James Rowen - Jul 12th, 2020
- WI Supreme Court Upholds GOP Lame-Duck Laws - Laurel White - Jul 9th, 2020
Read more about Lame Duck Laws here
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