Court Offers Warrant Withdrawal Wednesday
On November 14 Milwaukee Municipal Court offers chance to clear up minor warrants, license suspensions, other legal issues.

A defendant comes before Municipal Judge Valarie Hill during the May 2017 Warrant Withdrawal Wednesday. Photo by Edgar Mendez/NNS.
The Milwaukee Municipal Court announced in a video that it will host another Warrant Withdrawal Wednesday on Nov. 14. The program helps clear up minor outstanding warrants, driver’s license suspensions, vehicle registration denials, court absences and other legal issues that can lead to fines and arrests. Registration begins on Nov. 1.
Warrant Withdrawal Wednesday will be held at the Quality of Life Center of Christ the King Baptist Church, 7798 N. 60th St. The program will only accept cases regarding the City of Milwaukee, and participants must register by calling 414-286-6600 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Registration ends once all spots are filled. Once registered, each person will be assigned an appointment time at the church.
Only 250-300 people will be able to register, according to a court spokesperson. In May 2017, more than 1,500 people had their cases processed, and in December 2016, more than 2,000 people were cleared of warrants and suspensions. Those who have participated in past events are not permitted to participate again. In addition, no building and zoning cases will be processed.
Judges Derek Mosley, Valarie Hill and Phillip Chavez will hear the cases. Representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles will also be there, as well as employers and hiring agents who can help attendees find employment and prepare for job interviews.
A note on the video pointed out that it is low cost and low quality. “No $$ was spent to make this $0 budget video shot with a point & shoot camera with crappy speakers and free editing software,” the video read.
This story was originally published by Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service, where you can find other stories reporting on eighteen city neighborhoods in Milwaukee.