Urban Milwaukee

Guided Sculpture Milwaukee Tour August 16th

Walking tour gives you expert insight into the sculptures and the artists that made them.

By - Aug 9th, 2018 01:18 pm

Walking tour gives you expert insight into the sculptures and the artists that made them. Back to the full article.

Jessica Jackson Hutchins – Reason to Be

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Known for her paintings and ceramic sculptures, in the last several years Jackson Hutchins has begun to create architectural insertions made from cut and carved pieces of glass melted together. In her re-purposed bus shelter, Reason to Be, 2017, the artist replaces the functional glass walls with baroque decorative panels, some with phrases and words that recall the advertising function of these public shelters. She has also replaced the bench with a hammock, taking participants from the fast pace of downtown’s business environment, giving them a place to rest, and perhaps dream. Photo taken June 1st, 2018 by Jeramey Jannene. All Rights Reserved.