Jeramey Jannene
Friday Photos

Meet Trestle Park

Milwaukee's newest park, in the Third Ward, offers incredible river views.

By - Jul 6th, 2018 04:05 pm

Milwaukee's newest park, in the Third Ward, offers incredible river views. Back to the full article.

Photos - Page 2


  1. Thomas Gaudynski says:


    How would you suggest we access the park (foot, bike, auto)? And from which direction.


  2. Jeramey Jannene says:

    @Thomas – Foot or bike recommended. Come via E. Erie St., leave via the riverwalk (or vice versa). Keep in mind Summerfest crowds for the next few days.

  3. MKMKE says:

    I ride my bike past the new park everyday and watched them build it. However, during the entire construction period I never really imagined this would turn out so fantastic! Not only does it jut out into the river, but it also closes an existing ‘gap’ in the RiverWalk itself, making it more continuous.

    This is an absolutely fantastic addition to Milwaukee and the River Walk! Well done!

  4. Paul M. says:

    This is nice, though I believe the word “incredible” is extreme.

  5. hhhhhhh says:

    Technically that isn’t the Third Ward, its called the Harbor View?

  6. Dave Reid says:

    @hhh Trestle Park is in the Third Ward.. Harbor View would technically be across the river.

  7. Sam says:

    Wood pavers? Actual wood? How long will those last without maintenance? I’m all for this addition, but couldn’t they have used some longer lasting material? The city/county already have issues with maintaining infrastructure.

  8. Carl says:

    I love the new park but I wish the seating with backrests was for normal sized people. The benches are too deep. If you want to get good back support, you have to lift your feet from the ground and extend them in front of you. That’s not comfortable. If you keep your feet on the ground and lean back on the backrest, you’ll get curvature of the spine. That’s not comfortable either. Can’t the benches be narrower?

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