GOP Legislative Committees Swamp Democrats
Republicans raised $1.9 million vs. $900,000 for Democratic legislative committees in 2017.
The two GOP legislative campaign committees raised more than twice as much as the two Democratic committees – $1.9 million versus about $900,000. Here are their fundraising totals for 2017:
Committee to Elect a Republican Senate, $965,676
Republican Assembly Campaign Committee, $938,919
State Senate Democratic Committee, $461,528
Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee, $436,327
The two Republican fundraising committees also had year-end cash balances that were 3.5 times greater than the two Democratic committees – more than $1.8 million versus about $514,300. Their 2017 ending cash balances were:
Committee to Elect a Republican Senate, $1,023,862
Republican Assembly Campaign Committee, $805,920
Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee, $292,675
State Senate Democratic Committee, $221,630
The four committees’ fundraising and year-end cash balances are sharply ahead of the last odd-number year in 2015 when fundraising totaled just over $1.5 million and their cash balances totaled about $1 million.
One of the likely reasons the committees raised substantially more in 2017 was a change in campaign finance laws that now allows the committees to accept corporate contributions from businesses, unions, and tribes.
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The so called even playing field Rethuglicans promised after citizens united!!!!
Add gerrymandering and other voter suppression tactics and what you get is a party of anti democracy tyrants.
Dump Walker and ALL Republicans 2018!
They can take their out of state Dark Money and shove it!