Jeramey Jannene
Friday Photos

New NM Tower Keeps on Rising

Northwestern Mutual's tower is taking its place in city's skyline.

By - Dec 18th, 2015 06:26 pm

Northwestern Mutual's tower is taking its place in city's skyline. Back to the full article.

Photos - Page 5


  1. Andrew says:

    Minneapolis has a number of 30+ story buildings, but only one 55 story building. I had hoped that NML would provide Milwaukee with a building that really stood out by being the tallest building downtown. I was saddened to learn they stopped at 33 stories. This is one more way that Minneapolis outdoes Milwaukee, despite our having double the population (though we have a bit less in the multi-county area than it does). Minneapolis has a much better skyline than we do.

  2. Dudemeister says:

    Excellent building design. Just wish it was a little bit further west – less of a gap between it and USB. Have to agree, though, with Andy about Minne having a better skyline. Still the biggest complaint I have about Milwaukee.

    Funny. I was just down there Friday afternoon, taking photos. Good shots!

  3. Jerad says:


    Minneapolis-St. Paul metro is TWICE the size of Milwaukee’s and that makes a huge difference. Fear not, with NM Tower and Commons, The Couture, and NM’s residential tower, you’re adding 550′, 507′ and 366′ towers all within 3 blocks of one another. If the JCI rumors hold true, perhaps we’ll be getting that 50+ story tower so many of us desperately want. Milwaukee punches above its weight with comparable metros, though. You just need to actually have a decent comparable.

  4. Jerad says:

    By the way, Minneapolis has a 52 story building, a 55 story building, and two 56 story buildings.

  5. Nick says:

    Milwaukee’s skyline has a beautiful lake, can’t say that about the twin cities. Secondly, this is just the beginning of new development for Milwaukee. Minneapolis is a beautiful city, but I’ll go with Milwaukee.

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