Finally, a New Park East Plan
Ten years later, the city and county are finally on the same page. Is development in the area ready to "explode"?
Ten years later, the city and county are finally on the same page. Is development in the area ready to "explode"? Back to the full article.
Great, where have they been the last 40 years?
The economic development abiltiy of the County exec is almsot nil. It is all city.
It appears to be a break in the political logjam. Now what?
Where is the plan? What about the zoning? What about public spaces?
This is not what is commonly called a plan in urban design circles.
I agree. I don’t believe that there is a plan. I think the arena is the big variable. And that’s too bad because I think it would be a huge mistake to build the arena in the Park East. It is however the path of least resistance and that’s what we do in this town. It should be a dense, wakable, mixed use neighborhood. Not a giant arena surrounded with parking. The arena should be on the west side of downtown near the hotels and convention center.
@Tom The plan you are referring to came out under Norquist and Park (some changes have been made). Not a terribly good one in my mind either, as they completely failed on the roads (talk about not pedestrian friendly!), why it has height limits I’ll never know, and well so on. Further, a huge part of what it also lacked is what this fixes. A plan to actually work with the county (the property owner) to make it happen.
And right on the website zoning, setbacks… all sorts of good stuff.