Peeps, brew, and YOU
Hip, sweet, and fluffy, Peeple Unite invites you to bring artworks made of or inspired by those denizens of Easter schmaltz, Marshmallow Peeps. They come in all shapes and size now, so I’m not just talking old-style here. Go wild . The annual show, now in its sixth year (Six years! This show has legs!), comes to the Bay View Brew Haus on Sunday, April 17.
It’s unclear if guests and contributors will be able to eat the artworks, but those artists who choose to participate need only bring their inspirations with them. No jurors will jury. No critics will critique. It’s a free-range Peep thing.
Nicole Reid is the the brains behind Peeple Unite, and also a slick chick of the art world if ever there was one. I sat down with her to chat up the event.
Drat! You mean I won’t be allowed to judge the art?
Judge away, dear! There are just no consequences to our fine opinions. I’ve often thought of making it into a competition, but then always decide to keep it “fun and fluffy.” I want everyone to participate. It’s all art in my book.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Passing Peeps off as art. What were you thinking?
I like art to be fun, and fluffy ain’t always bad either. So, examine the chick form closely and you will agree it is a genius little one-plop dollop of beauty. Add brightly colored sugar flocking and you’ve got an icon of all things fun and fluffy. I wish more artworks were flocked. Picture the Bronze Fonz in a pink sugar coating for the Easter holiday. Scrumptous.
The Fonz coated in pink sugar would be an improvement. Back in the stone- age of my Iowa childhood, my best friend’s dad owned a chicken hatchery. The big deal then was to haul home a baby chick dyed pink, blue or yellow. In those days there was no such thing as edible Peeps. When did you experience your first Peep?
The Easter Bunny introduced them to me as early as I can remember. But I never liked eating them. I’ll say the only exception is a Peep Smore (not to be confused with peep smear.) Hold one over a flame and you’ll be amazed at how they expand and crack. The sugary coating gives the smore a nice crunch, too.
Would you say that Peep art is pop art?
Peep art can be Pop art, but not all Pop art is Peep art. But don’t tell Peep Mondrian that!
Well, some fairly famous (for 15 minutes) artists made stuff out of rabbit turds and elephant dung and urine and such, so does anything go these days?
And our artists are au courant in all great art trends: One clever little bugger did Peep Christ (a peep in a bottle of yellow soda), another did Peeps suspended in formaldehyde-like blocks ala Hirst. We’ve had painters make elaborate little reincarnations of The Scream, The Birth of Venus, and Magritte’s Ceci n’est pas une Peep. See? The possibilities are endless, so get cracking!
Peeple Unite takes place on Sunday, April 17th (1-4 p.m.) at the Bay View at the Brew Haus, 2535 S. Kinnickinnic Avenue. Want to submit? Contact Nicole at 262-639-6731 or Be there or be square.
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