Please CALL Joint Finance Committee members today to urge their support of the film industry tax incentives!
The Joint Finance Committee will meet in Executive Session on Thursday, April 30, beginning at 11 am in Room 412 East of the State Capitol. The Committee will be considering and voting on the improved film industry tax incentives package put forth by Rep. Tamara Grigsby (D-Milwaukee).
TODAY IS THE DAY to ensure that funding for the incentives is included in the 2009-2011 state budget. You can help make this happen by taking action RIGHT NOW. If your legislator is a Joint Finance Committee member – the list is below – please CALL with this message:
“I am a constituent of Sen. /Rep. Smith and I want him/her to support and vote for the improved film industry tax incentives proposal at the April 30 Joint Finance Committee Executive Session. His/her support will help create jobs in the district and across the state, and is greatly appreciated!”
You can tell this message to the staff member who answers the phone; the staff member will ask for your name and address, to make sure you are a constituent.
If each of the 16 members of the Committee receives 10 phone calls today, they will know that there is support in their district and statewide.
Don’t delay! Call now! Legislative offices are usually open until 5 pm, but if you get the voicemail, you can leave a message. Make sure to include your name and address.
More information is at
If you have any questions, please contact Arts Wisconsin at            608 255 8316
Joint Finance Committee
Senate Members :
Sen. Mark Miller, D-Monona, Co-Chair, 16th District,            (608) 266-9170
Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, 8th District,,            608 266 5830
Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, 30th District,,            608 266 5670
Sen. Julie Lassa, D-Stevens Point, 24th District,,            608 266 3123
Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, 21st District,,            608 266 1832
Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon, 14th District,,            608 266 0751
Sen. Judy Robson, D-Beloit, 15th District,,            608 266 2253
Sen.Lena Taylor, D-Milwaukee, 4th District,,            608 266 5810
Assembly members:
Rep. Mark Pocan, D- Madison, 78th District, Co-Chair,            (608) 266-8570
Rep. Pedro Colón, D-Milwaukee, 8th District,,            608 267 7669
Rep. Tamara Grigsby, D-Milwaukee, 18th District,,            608 266 0635
Rep. Cory Mason, D-Racine, 62nd District,,            608 266 0634
Rep. Phil Montgomery, R-Green Bay, 4th District,,            608 266 5840
Rep. Jennifer Shilling, D-LaCrosse, 95th District,,            608 266 5780
Rep. Gary Sherman, D-Port Wing, 94th District,,            608 266 7690
Rep. Robin Vos, R-Racine, 63rd District,,            608 266 9171 |