Tech School to Hold Ceremonies in Churhc
It says something about our time and our suburbs and our old-time religion that churches now offer larger gathering places than colleges, but that is the case in Waukesha County, where for the first time, the Waukesha County Technical College plans to hold its December and its spring graduation ceremonies off campus for the first time.
The public technical school will hold its events at Brookfield’s Elmbrook Church, one of those new superchurches that ever so much define our exurbs.
According to Anne Moore, the Communications Manager for the school, Elmbrook was chosen since it can handle 2,000 people in its basement alone.
In past years, the spring graduation ceremony was split into two events, since the school’s gymnasium can hold only about 1100 people. In addition, students had to pay to erect a giant, heated tent on campus to hold their post-graduation festivities.
This year, the entire event can be held in one place, and the students will be able to invite plenty of family and guests to attend the great ceremony. Plus, the entertainment can be held on site at the church, in a building, rather than in a tent.
Moore says the school will pay about $1500 rent for the evening, including a modest set-up charge.
New Home for Whaling Wall?
Wyland‘s mural of a whale has been on display to southbound traffic on I-43 for about six years now, and will soon be demolished along with the Courthouse annex upon which it is painted.
The loss of the Wyland, although not greatly lamented in Milwaukee’s established artistic community, does concern Tamra Reynolds, a Zigman Joseph Stephenson employee who is quite fond of the work Wyland has done creating 92 such murals around the country. He says he has set a limit of 100 as his life’s work to call attention to the plight of large sea mammals, and Reynolds thinks she has a spot in Milwaukee for Wyland to recreate his maritime vision.
She wants it to be placed at Pier Wisconsin, the nautical destination being constructed at this time just south of the Milwaukee Art Museum.
Please, do not be too alarmed — Reynolds’ suggestion is that the mural be painted on the inside of the building, not on the outside, which would certainly give the neighboring institution to the north an attack if such were the case.
She says she has been in contact with Pier Wisconsin and the Wyland Foundation to make this dream a reality.
Assembly Dems Go for Cash
The Milwaukee Public Market was the site Monday evening, 14 November 2005 for a fundraiser for the Assembly Democrats, who would like to pick up a few seats during next year’s election.
Department of Administration Secretary Steve Bablitch, new to the job, addressed the crowd of about 100 gathered in the second floor of the new market, which is ordinarily closed on Mondays.
He was introduced by Representative Jon Richards who said the Department of Administration is known as “the Department of Everything.”
Bablitch said when he got the job he asked the governor if he had to move to Madison. “The governor said, ‘no. it’s just as good you remain in Milwaukee,'” as did Bablitch’s predecessor Marc Marotta who made the Monday Through Thursday commute to Madison from Mequon, in Ozaukee County, not far from Tripoli Country Club, which is where Marotta would commute to on Fridays.
Bablitch explained the Doyle agenda in triplicate, saying the Governor wants “jobs, jobs, jobs, education, education, education and health care, health care, health care.”
Among members of the Milwaukee Assembly Delegation at the event were Democratic Leader Jim Kreuser, Assistant Leader Richards, Pedro Colon, Fred Kessler, Tamara Grigsby, I think Barbara Toles, Josh Zepnick and a few others who may have escaped my attention, like David Cullen who always blends into the woodwork.
Guests were treated to Miller Genuine Draft, Miller Lite and Lakefront Brewery‘s Riverwest Stein Beer. Guess what? The Stein Beer was the most popular, and “sold” out before the others. [The beer was free.]
Among attendees were Paul Nannis, Chris Ahmuty, Peter Earle, Stephanie Bloomingdale, Moira Fitzgerald, Reynolds and Linda Honold, Dr. Robert Starshak, Gene Gilbert, Tom Hefty, David Newby and George Petak.
Dem Leader Kreuser complained about the republicans, saying “their legislation is so bad. They vote against their district. They vote against their conscience. They vote in lockstep.”
According to Kreuser, we should reelect the governor and “pick up a few seats” in the assembly, “so that we will be better off in November 2006.”
Sheriff Ann Hraychuck of Polk County, one of only two women sheriffs in Wisconsin will run for assembly against Mark Pettis, Rep. Richards said. Richards also noted that a recent mention in that his marital status was listed as “single” on his website was changed within 24 hours, making mworld very happy to hear so significant a testimony to its impact on the political community.
Beer for Celiac Sufferers
Celiac Disease is a condition in which sufferers may not consume most grains, like barley and wheat. More ominously for brewers, it also means that those with the condition cannot drink beer. Russ Klisch of Lakefront Brewery sought to find a means to allow these folks to quaff a brew, and he had to convince the United States Government to create a new category to permit him to market a special product he created called “New Grist.”
“New Grist” is brewed from Sorghum, a plant that is cultivated in Wisconsin and can be found as a syrup in farmers’ markets from time to time along with its more elegant cousin, maple syrup.
New Grist is described as “a crisp and refreshing session ale brewed without wheat or barley,” and the first batch was bottled in late October and is ready for you now.
It is a lighter beer and compares favorably with most light ales on the market.
This is good news for any of your Celiac friends who would like to drink beer, and you might want to spread the word. More information is available at
Marsupial Bridge Opens
The weather was mildly pleasant November 10th when Mayor Tom Barrett and other dignitaries cut the ribbon on the Marsupial Bridge. The event was followed by a reception at Regano’s Roman Coin on Brady Street.
Tom Barrett began his remarks by saying he overheard that the mayor was here “and she brought Tom Barrett with her!” This drew laughs from the crowd, including Julilly Kohler, the putative mayor of hizzoner’s remarks.
Barrett said there were people who work and have no ideas, and those who have ideas but do no work. “Julilly works and has ideas,” Barrett said, and credited her with the inspiration for the structure suspended beneath the Holton Bridge.
Kohler, for her part, said, “I don’t know if it was my idea. I think it was Mike Eitel‘s. The important thing is everybody took it up.”
Kohler was the one who, at her expense, flew out to Washington, D.C. to convince members of Wisconsin’s delegation to devote money for the pedestrian and bicycle bridge. Among those members: Tom Barrett, who was congressman from Milwaukee at the time.
Barrett mentioned that he was honored to be both congressman and mayor, saying that during his years in congress he would be lobbied for any number of projects, and more or less forgotten when they were finally built. This time, he said, he was proud to be active on both ends of the deal.
Kohler gave especial credit to Gary Grunau “for getting John Norquist to put some money in the city budget for the bridge.” Kohler said that Grunau warned the former mayor if the city did not kick in 20 percent of the $3.4 million span, the funding would have to come from somewhere like the Brady Street Association. “‘Don’t make Brady Street pay for it or it will never happen,'” Kohler quoted Grunau as saying.
Sheriff on Horse, Mayor Follows on Foot, Watches His Step
It has become a cliche in Milwaukee that the Sheriff rides a horse in a parade. I’ve been writing about it since I saw Richard Artison horseback in a parade in 1988. Of course, Artison’s steed was accompanied by a broom-wielding attendant following the horse.
No attendant was present to follow the sheriff’s well-fed and well-digested horse, which marched ahead of the mayor and other participants in the parade, many of whom needed a good shoe shining (if not more extensive cleaning procedures) by the end of the parade.
Somebody in the neighborhood posted pictures of Ald. Bob Bauman along the parade route. The signs said, “Car Towed Today? Hundreds of $/yr in Parking Tickets? How’s Your Alderman Doing? Call him and let him know what you think!”
The signs then gave Bauman’s home telephone and email address.
This article was originally published by Milwaukee World.
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