County Executive Chris Abele
Press Release

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Statement on the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program Proposal

Providing the best K-12 education system for the community should be a priority for everyone who lives in Milwaukee

By - May 12th, 2015 03:09 pm

Providing the best K-12 education system for the community should be a priority for everyone who lives in Milwaukee. For the past 20 years, it has been a priority of mine as I have been actively involved in a variety of education policy efforts in Milwaukee. I have worked with every MPS Superintendent going back to Superintendent Andrekopoulos, I helped the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee, on whose board I still sit, in partnering with over 35 MPS schools, I assisted in crafting the successful Race To The Top grant proposal that MPS was awarded, and I continue to be involved in Schools That Can Milwaukee, an organization that seeks to ensure that 20,000 Milwaukee students attend high-quality urban schools by 2020.

In all of these efforts, my goal has always been the best quality education for as many kids and their families as possible, delivered in the fairest, most sustainable way possible. While this legislation is not something I sought, when I was recently approached by Rep. Kooyenga and Sen. Darling asking if I would be the appointing authority, I told them that it was hard to have an opinion absent all of the details. But IF the bill passed that way, it’s a responsibility that I would accept and take very seriously.

Proponents of this legislation should know the following: I like and respect MPS Superintendent Darienne Driver and would want to work very closely with her; I remain very concerned about the funding flaw that the current voucher system continues to create for MPS; and I believe public money should be directed to open admission schools, not selective admission schools.

If placed in this position, I’m committed to work hard to take this proposal and ensure that its implementation is as successful as it can possibly be. The families in Milwaukee deserve no less.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. Joe says:

    It’s a very interesting concept…….open vs. selective admissions schools. Do people in the Milwaukee area know that the top (so-called) public schools in MPS are all selective admission schools?

  2. David says:

    Destruction of the public school system through the current GOP divide and conquer strategy is not a viable solution. It is a GOP strategy to privatize schools with scam operations and further exploit the tax-paying citizens.

    Education is the great equalizer for all. We need solid public school options that answer to the people and not some specialized interests that are devoid of any accountability process.

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