
Content referencing Steven Walters

The State of Politics: A Deja Vu Election for State Supreme Court
The State of Politics

A Deja Vu Election for State Supreme Court

Looks like repeat of 2023 Protasiewicz v. Kelly race. But with key differences.

The State of Politics: Evers Wants More Taxes for Roads
The State of Politics

Evers Wants More Taxes for Roads

Republicans may oppose plan which includes $120 hike in vehicle license fee.

The State of Politics: Evers Proposes 12 Tax Cuts or Hikes
The State of Politics

Evers Proposes 12 Tax Cuts or Hikes

His budget would greatly change state taxes. Republicans aren't buying it.

The State of Politics: Prison Reforms Impact Many Legislators
The State of Politics

Prison Reforms Impact Many Legislators

One-third of all districts affected. Evers 'take it or leave it' plan likely to get lots of discussion and review.

The State of Politics: Federal Funds Uncertainty Threatens State Budget
The State of Politics

Federal Funds Uncertainty Threatens State Budget

$28 billion of projected two-year budget is supposed to come from federal funds.

The State of Politics: Tommy Thompson Loves Trump
The State of Politics

Tommy Thompson Loves Trump

'He may be unorthodox, but I'm all for him.'

The State of Politics: It’s Groundhog Day in State Capitol
The State of Politics

It’s Groundhog Day in State Capitol

New budget surplus estimate triggers GOP tax cut pledge. Again.

The State of Politics: Evers Faces Washington, April Elections Headwinds
The State of Politics

Evers Faces Washington, April Elections Headwinds

Will governor run for reelection? Are political winds behind or against Democrats?

The State of Politics: 550 Lobbyists Busy in State Capitol
The State of Politics

550 Lobbyists Busy in State Capitol

Ultimately some 750 lobbyists costing $40 million may battle for state budget decisions.

The State of Politics: Republicans Ignore Evers Plea for Citizens Lawmaking
The State of Politics

Republicans Ignore Evers Plea for Citizens Lawmaking

24 states allow citizen initiatives to create and pass constitutional amendments and laws.

The State of Politics: Top 10 News Stories of 2024
The State of Politics

Top 10 News Stories of 2024

Oh what a year it was. Here are the top 10 news stories, plus honorable mentions.

The State of Politics: A Christmas Gift List For State Officials
The State of Politics

A Christmas Gift List For State Officials

What would Tony Evers, Robin Vos, Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson like to get?

The State of Politics: Tax Bills Trigger School Funding Debate
The State of Politics

Tax Bills Trigger School Funding Debate

Property taxes rising for schools. Evers, Democrats call for more state aid.

The State of Politics: Act 10 Still Divides the Capitol
The State of Politics

Act 10 Still Divides the Capitol

Leaders who passed it all gone, state Supreme Court mostly different, as battle renewed.

The State of Politics: Will Legislature Change Election Laws?
The State of Politics

Will Legislature Change Election Laws?

Republicans may back earlier recount of absentee ballots -- along with other changes.

The State of Politics: GOP Losses Will Test Vos, LeMahieu
The State of Politics

GOP Losses Will Test Vos, LeMahieu

Smaller majorities in each house will change state Capitol, make it tougher to pass Republican bills.

The State of Politics: Wisconsin Voters Again Color State Purple
The State of Politics

Wisconsin Voters Again Color State Purple

The state continues to flip back and forth between two parties, two ideologies.

The State of Politics: Women Lead Democratic Gains in Legislature
The State of Politics

Women Lead Democratic Gains in Legislature

Wisconsin voters rejected Kamala Harris but back many other women for office.

The State of Politics: Candidates Ignore State’s Looming ‘Senior Tsunami’
The State of Politics

Candidates Ignore State’s Looming ‘Senior Tsunami’

Over-75 population expected to explode, creating huge shortage of health care workers.

The State of Politics: Wisconsin Voters Could Do Something They Haven’t Done in 29 Years
The State of Politics

Wisconsin Voters Could Do Something They Haven’t Done in 29 Years

Rejecting proposed voting definition constitutional amendment would be third defeated amendment in 2024.

The State of Politics: Voters In Five States Could Approve Ranked Choice Voting
The State of Politics

Voters In Five States Could Approve Ranked Choice Voting

Wisconsin-based Democracy Found is champion of effort.

The State of Politics: What To Ask The Candidate Knocking On Your Door
The State of Politics

What To Ask The Candidate Knocking On Your Door

Legislative candidates want your vote. You should ask them these questions.

The State of Politics: Both Parties Now Push Early Voting
The State of Politics

Both Parties Now Push Early Voting

Early voting now crucial in elections. How you can do it.

The State of Politics: Democrats Target Rep. Novak in New District
The State of Politics

Democrats Target Rep. Novak in New District

Remapped Assembly district is 55% Democrat. But incumbent Republican is running hard.

The State of Politics: Thompson Urges Serb Hall Rally by Trump
The State of Politics

Thompson Urges Serb Hall Rally by Trump

Former governor urges Republicans to contest Milwaukee and Dane counties.

The State of Politics: Marquette Poll Retooled for 2024 Election
The State of Politics

Marquette Poll Retooled for 2024 Election

E-mails and texts replacing random phone calls.

The State of Politics: A Summer of Intense Politics
The State of Politics

A Summer of Intense Politics

With more to come in the next two months.

The State of Politics: Democrats Think Referendum Success Was A Preview of November Win
The State of Politics

Democrats Think Referendum Success Was A Preview of November Win

But conservatives say funding referendum's failure was a result of out-of-state spending.

The State of Politics: Voter Enthusiasm Up For Wisconsin Democrats
The State of Politics

Voter Enthusiasm Up For Wisconsin Democrats

Marquette poll shows Democrats now equal to Republicans in voter enthusiasm.

The State of Politics: Evers, Biden Are Closely Connected
The State of Politics

Evers, Biden Are Closely Connected

'I am emotional,' Evers said after Biden withdrew from the race. 'He is a good friend.'

The State of Politics: Who Should Have Spending Power For Federal Funds?
The State of Politics

Who Should Have Spending Power For Federal Funds?

Parties spar over constitutional changes on Aug. 13 primary election ballots.

The State of Politics: Parties’ Presidential Campaigns Flip-Flop
The State of Politics

Parties’ Presidential Campaigns Flip-Flop

Trump and surging Republicans now stalled as Harris stokes excitement. Experts weigh in.

The State of Politics: RNC Brings Fame to Gen Z Party Leader
The State of Politics

RNC Brings Fame to Gen Z Party Leader

Milwaukee party official Hilario Deleon winning national, international attention.

The State of Politics: Wisconsin’s Republican Roots Run Deep
The State of Politics

Wisconsin’s Republican Roots Run Deep

Party that will have its national convention here was founded in this state in 1854.

The State of Politics: Feuding Supreme Court Justices Need a Break
The State of Politics

Feuding Supreme Court Justices Need a Break

Will a summer vacation cool tempers of three conservatives vs four liberals?

The State of Politics: Shortage of Lawyers Plagues Northern Counties
The State of Politics

Shortage of Lawyers Plagues Northern Counties

New Attorney Retention and Recruitment Committee seeks to address the crisis.

The State of Politics: UW, Prisons, MPS Now Capitol’s Top Issues
The State of Politics

UW, Prisons, MPS Now Capitol’s Top Issues

Evers and GOP legislators disagree. Issues could figure in fall elections.

The State of Politics: Turnover High For Republican Convention Delegates
The State of Politics

Turnover High For Republican Convention Delegates

Few rank-and-file delegates from past conventions are included. Why?

The State of Politics: One-Fourth of Assembly Will Be Newbies
The State of Politics

One-Fourth of Assembly Will Be Newbies

Fair maps drawn by both parties for first time in 12 years could transform the Assembly.

The State of Politics: Ron Johnson’s Curious Stand on Abortion
The State of Politics

Ron Johnson’s Curious Stand on Abortion

Pleading for Republican unity on an issue that's a loser for the party.

The State of Politics: GOP Senate Hurts Evers’ Talent Searches
The State of Politics

GOP Senate Hurts Evers’ Talent Searches

Difficult to find cabinet secretaries when Senate keeps firing governor's appointees.

The State of Politics: Parties Target 5 State Senate Seats With No Incumbent
The State of Politics

Parties Target 5 State Senate Seats With No Incumbent

More competitive races will mean fierce battles and huge spending.

The State of Politics: Running for Legislature Not So Simple
The State of Politics

Running for Legislature Not So Simple

Legislative hopefuls face strict rules, deadlines, paperwork.

The State of Politics: Evers Vetoes GOP Bills at Record Rate
The State of Politics

Evers Vetoes GOP Bills at Record Rate

In one year he vetoed 32% of all legislative bills, compared to 3.7% for average governor.

The State of Politics: Voters Worried About PFAS in Water  
The State of Politics

Voters Worried About PFAS in Water  

69% are worried, poll shows. But Evers and Legislature can't agree on how to address problem.

The State of Politics: Will Legislators Run Or Not?
The State of Politics

Will Legislators Run Or Not?

The long list of legislators in newly mapped districts who haven't filed to run includes Robin Vos.

The State of Politics: Voters Throw Shade on Biden, Trump
The State of Politics

Voters Throw Shade on Biden, Trump

Nearly 180,000 primary voters refused to vote for either. What's does that mean for Wisconsin?

The State of Politics: How Higher Ed Institutions Are Shrinking
The State of Politics

How Higher Ed Institutions Are Shrinking

It's a stunning trend: Four-year and two-year campuses are cutting back, merging, closing.

The State of Politics: How New Supreme Court Influenced Legislative Decisions
The State of Politics

How New Supreme Court Influenced Legislative Decisions

Everything important passed by the Legislature came after court gained a liberal majority.

The State of Politics: New State Aid Favors Rural Areas
The State of Politics

New State Aid Favors Rural Areas

Milwaukee and Madison got a 10% increase while all other municipalities got a 20% hike, new report finds.

The State of Politics: Parties Seek New Candidates in New Districts
The State of Politics

Parties Seek New Candidates in New Districts

New state legislative maps means races are the fairest and most wide open in 12 years.

The State of Politics: Frustrated Gallagher Ends Congressional ‘Deployment’
The State of Politics

Frustrated Gallagher Ends Congressional ‘Deployment’

Military veteran Mike Gallagher won't run for reelection after attempting to fix dysfunction.

Murphy’s Law: Wealthy Health Chain Closing 2 Hospitals
Murphy’s Law

Wealthy Health Chain Closing 2 Hospitals

Executives seek to maximize revenue? GOP rejection of expanded Medicaid also at fault?

The State of Politics: Health Care A Big Issue in Western Wisconsin
The State of Politics

Health Care A Big Issue in Western Wisconsin

As hospitals close and health care access shrinks Republicans face voter worries.

The State of Politics: Will Lena Taylor Change Her Style As Judge?
The State of Politics

Will Lena Taylor Change Her Style As Judge?

Will in-your-face style of state senator be tempered as a Circuit Court judge?

The State of Politics: Evers Silent on New GOP Tax Plan
The State of Politics

Evers Silent on New GOP Tax Plan

Latest Republican plan tailored to meet governor's past comments. How will he respond?

The State of Politics: Republicans Fearful of New District Maps
The State of Politics

Republicans Fearful of New District Maps

Under one proposed map, incumbent Republicans would have to run against each other.

The State of Politics: Why GOP Divided on Medical Marijuana
The State of Politics

Why GOP Divided on Medical Marijuana

Republican divisions between geographic areas, between Senate and Assembly on the bill.

The State of Politics: 2024 Political Calendar Is Jam Packed
The State of Politics

2024 Political Calendar Is Jam Packed

Lots of deadlines and dates culminating in presidential election where Wisconsin's vote could be crucial.

The State of Politics: Top 10 State Government Stories of 2023
The State of Politics

Top 10 State Government Stories of 2023

A year filled with surprises and big stories, led by the election of Janet Protasiewicz to Supreme Court.

The State of Politics: Funding Power Gives GOP Victory in DEI Fight
The State of Politics

Funding Power Gives GOP Victory in DEI Fight

Why regents, Democrats were defeated by Vos and Republicans.

Murphy’s Law: Will Women Vote for Brad Schimel?
Murphy’s Law

Will Women Vote for Brad Schimel?

Former Attorney General a formidable candidate for state Supreme Court. Except for a couple issues.

The State of Politics: 8 Questions About State Government
The State of Politics

8 Questions About State Government

Think you know how our state Capitol works? Try answering these questions.

The State of Politics: Women Politicians Still Face Double Standard
The State of Politics

Women Politicians Still Face Double Standard

Getting more criticism and social media insults than men. 'We get attacked more.'

The State of Politics: Schimel Could Be Potent Supreme Court Candidate
The State of Politics

Schimel Could Be Potent Supreme Court Candidate

He's run up big election totals in key counties and statewide running for attorney general.

The State of Politics: Justices Favoring New Legislative Maps Face Tough Questions
The State of Politics

Justices Favoring New Legislative Maps Face Tough Questions

Must entire state be redistricted? And who should court ask to draw the maps?

The State of Politics: LeMahieu Grows Into Majority Leader Role
The State of Politics

LeMahieu Grows Into Majority Leader Role

Republican Senate leader has worked at times with Democrats to get legislation passed.

The State of Politics: Ziegler Still Pushing for Courts Security Agency
The State of Politics

Ziegler Still Pushing for Courts Security Agency

Chief Justice warns that courts must do a better job handling mentally ill offenders.

The State of Politics: Major Changes Loom To Wisconsin’s Elections
The State of Politics

Major Changes Loom To Wisconsin’s Elections

And they're proposed in an election year that is already predicted to be "rocky."

The State of Politics: How Wisconsin’s GOP House Members Explained Speaker Fight
The State of Politics

How Wisconsin’s GOP House Members Explained Speaker Fight

Despite their names sometimes percolating, one member even missed the vote while on a trip to Israel.

The State of Politics: 3 Pro Sports Venues Cost $1.9 Billion
The State of Politics

3 Pro Sports Venues Cost $1.9 Billion

Funding for Brewers (twice) Packers and Bucks facilities mostly came from taxpayers.

The State of Politics: Why Protasiewicz Decided Not to Recuse
The State of Politics

Why Protasiewicz Decided Not to Recuse

Her 47-page decision makes strong argument against any justice recusing.

The State of Politics: Senate Targets 6 Evers Appointees
The State of Politics

Senate Targets 6 Evers Appointees

Republicans leave elections commission unbalanced and board overseeing DNR unable to act.

The State of Politics: Final Five Bill Changes Congressional Elections in Wisconsin
The State of Politics

Final Five Bill Changes Congressional Elections in Wisconsin

Bipartisan proposal pushes less partisan, ranked-choice elections.

The State of Politics: What’s Next for Kelli Thompson?
The State of Politics

What’s Next for Kelli Thompson?

The head of state public defender's office, now retiring, getting mentioned as possible state Supreme Court candidate.

The State of Politics: Parties Bicker Over How to Do Iowa-Style Redistricting
The State of Politics

Parties Bicker Over How to Do Iowa-Style Redistricting

Democrats charge that Vos plan will hand ultimate power to Republican legislators.

The State of Politics: Graying Demographics Drive GOP Tax Cut
The State of Politics

Graying Demographics Drive GOP Tax Cut

Tax cut for retirees, who have the highest turnout in elections, adds new wrinkle.

The State of Politics: Tax Cut, Brewers Aid Top Legislative Agenda
The State of Politics

Tax Cut, Brewers Aid Top Legislative Agenda

GOP plan for $2.9 million tax cut could use up most of remaining state surplus.

The State of Politics: Soaring Home Prices Squeeze First-Time Buyers
The State of Politics

Soaring Home Prices Squeeze First-Time Buyers

Many Millennials priced out. Evers cites workforce crisis, lack of housing for workers.

Data Wonk: Who Are State Supreme Court’s ‘Rogue Members’?
Data Wonk

Who Are State Supreme Court’s ‘Rogue Members’?

Ziegler and conservatives have ignored state Constitution in governance dispute.

The State of Politics: Republicans Dismiss 13th Call for Special Session
The State of Politics

Republicans Dismiss 13th Call for Special Session

In 5 years, Legislators have shot down every such call by the governor, with one exception.

The State of Politics: New Court Majority Changes Target Chief Justice Ziegler
The State of Politics

New Court Majority Changes Target Chief Justice Ziegler

Is it revenge for conservatives' past overthrow of Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson?

The State of Politics: 1.4 Million Wisconsin Residents Need To Reapply For Medicaid, Will They?
The State of Politics

1.4 Million Wisconsin Residents Need To Reapply For Medicaid, Will They?

As of June, more than one-third had not initiated the renewal process. Real test comes at end of summer.

The State of Politics: Trump a Tough Issue for State GOP
The State of Politics

Trump a Tough Issue for State GOP

State Republican chairman pushing Trump loyalists to support whoever wins the nomination.

The State of Politics: Abortion Rights Backers Get Two Wins
The State of Politics

Abortion Rights Backers Get Two Wins

'There is no such thing as an 1849 abortion ban in Wisconsin.'

The State of Politics: Republicans Two Seats From Veto-Proof Majorities
The State of Politics

Republicans Two Seats From Veto-Proof Majorities

Just 2,498 votes assured that GOP legislators can't override Gov. Evers' vetoes.

The State of Politics: Tax Cuts Divide Evers, Republicans
The State of Politics

Tax Cuts Divide Evers, Republicans

GOP legislators want billions more in cuts, with nearly half of it going to wealthy taxpayers.

The State of Politics: The Winners In Shared Revenue, K-12 Funding Deal
The State of Politics

The Winners In Shared Revenue, K-12 Funding Deal

Everyone could claim victory. But who won -- and lost -- the most?

The State of Politics: Will GOP Dump State Elections Leader?
The State of Politics

Will GOP Dump State Elections Leader?

Fate of Meagan Wolfe a high stakes decision for state voters, Republican image.

The State of Politics: Democrats Rehire Wikler for 2024 Races
The State of Politics

Democrats Rehire Wikler for 2024 Races

State party chair Ben Wikler has led Democrats to victories and has a growing national profile.

The State of Politics: Missing Ventilators Restart Fight Over Federal Funds Oversight
The State of Politics

Missing Ventilators Restart Fight Over Federal Funds Oversight

Auditors found some COVID-19 supplies missing, triggering debate about who should control aid dollars.

The State of Politics: Evers, Republicans Find Common Ground
The State of Politics

Evers, Republicans Find Common Ground

Better relations between governor and Legislature helps create three major proposals.

The State of Politics: How Will AI Affect Next Election?
The State of Politics

How Will AI Affect Next Election?

Artificial Intelligence could have a huge impact, ramping up disinformation in swing states like Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: Republicans Stall Elections Reforms
The State of Politics

Republicans Stall Elections Reforms

Reforms backed by bipartisan Elections Commission, including elections inspector general, stripped from budget bill.

The State of Politics: Evers Vision Trashed by Republicans
The State of Politics

Evers Vision Trashed by Republicans

It's governor's vision vs. 12 Republicans on Joint Finance Committee. Who's right?

The State of Politics: Budget Votes Will Renew ‘Scarcity’ Debate
The State of Politics

Budget Votes Will Renew ‘Scarcity’ Debate

Claims of a 'scarcity' even in flush times are why problems never get solved, charges poverty researcher Matt Desmond.

The State of Politics: Capitol Has New Generation of Leaders
The State of Politics

Capitol Has New Generation of Leaders

44% of Legislature's 132 members changed in last four years.

The State of Politics: Conservatives Push To Protect Walker-Era Reforms
The State of Politics

Conservatives Push To Protect Walker-Era Reforms

Seeking constitutional amendments to enshrine Act 10, right-to-work, school choice laws.

The State of Politics: Collegiality a Casualty in Supreme Court Election?
The State of Politics

Collegiality a Casualty in Supreme Court Election?

Current court members were active in election, could intensify rancor between judges.

The State of Politics: How Wisconsin Became Wild West of Campaign Spending
The State of Politics

How Wisconsin Became Wild West of Campaign Spending

In just 20 years quiet nonpartisan Supreme Court races turned into something ugly.

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