Content referencing Steven Kreklow

You Can Balance the County Budget

You Can Balance the County Budget

Abele’s new widget gives citizens a chance to submit draft spending plans.

Court Watch: County Hikes Jailing Fee for City
Court Watch

County Hikes Jailing Fee for City

Milwaukee, suburbs face big hikes for municipal offenders jailed.

13 Short Facts About The Domes

13 Short Facts About The Domes

Domes task force presented with data that reveals much about the popular attraction.

Sheriff Clarke Seeks 50% Tax Levy Increase

Sheriff Clarke Seeks 50% Tax Levy Increase

His budget request asks for 206 additional full-time positions, a 29% increase in his staff.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Plan for Bucks Arena Won’t Work
Murphy’s Law

Abele Plan for Bucks Arena Won’t Work

The county has nowhere near $4 million in annual debt for state to collect -- and Abele may lack the power to deliver it.