Content referencing Sean Patrick Maloney

Senator Baldwin Leads 117 Members of Congress in Asking the Biden Administration to Request Budget Funding that Adequately Reflects the President’s Priority to Advance LGBTQI+ Rights Around the World
Rep. Gwen Moore Leads Letter to the FDA, Urging Action on the Influx of Toxic Chemicals Found in Baby Food
Press Release

Rep. Gwen Moore Leads Letter to the FDA, Urging Action on the Influx of Toxic Chemicals Found in Baby Food

"These disturbing findings betray the trust of American families, who rely on baby’s food to provide adequate nutrition that benefits their wellbeing."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan PFAS Detection Act
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan PFAS Detection Act

"It’s clear that PFAS chemicals pose a dangerous risk to public health, and communities across Wisconsin are facing concerning levels of groundwater contamination."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation to Protect Federal Workers and Their Families from Losing Their Homes, Falling Behind on Bills During Shutdown
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation to Protect Federal Workers and Their Families from Losing Their Homes, Falling Behind on Bills During Shutdown

"The Trump shutdown is punishing federal workers, and contractors who are serving without pay."