Content referencing Jim Goulee

Preserve Our Parks Calls on Governor Evers to Oppose Inequitable Funding Formula for Support of Brewers Baseball Stadium
Public Shocked by ‘For Sale’ Signs in County Parks

Public Shocked by ‘For Sale’ Signs in County Parks

Parks group uses "For Sale" signs to raise awareness and support for parks funding.

Preserve Our Parks Posts “For Sale” Signs at Milwaukee County Parks
Press Release

Preserve Our Parks Posts “For Sale” Signs at Milwaukee County Parks

Signs Call Attention to Parks Neglect, Threatened Shut-Down of Parks Facilities

Abele, Lipscomb Announce Membership of Fair Deal Workgroup
Press Release

Abele, Lipscomb Announce Membership of Fair Deal Workgroup

Group includes diverse representation from community leaders seeking to recommend intergovernmental solutions to County funding challenges

Op Ed: It’s Our Turn to Fund Public Parks
Op Ed

It’s Our Turn to Fund Public Parks

Money for Bucks, Brewers, Foxconn? How about saving our public parks?

Preserve Our Parks to Hold Public Town Hall Meeting in Tosa on July 10
Press Release

Preserve Our Parks to Hold Public Town Hall Meeting in Tosa on July 10

Meeting Designed to Build Grassroots Support for Increased Parks Funding; Town Hall to be Held in Firefly Room at Wauwatosa Public Library at 6:30

Preserve Our Parks Launches “Our Turn” Petition Drive Demanding More Parks Funding For Preservation and Enhancement
Press Release

Preserve Our Parks Launches “Our Turn” Petition Drive Demanding More Parks Funding For Preservation and Enhancement

The POP petition drive will begin in June and will run throughout the summer.

Op Ed: Oppose the Pay-to-Park Plan!
Op Ed

Oppose the Pay-to-Park Plan!

County plan would charge $3.50 per hour to park in 76 parks and parkways.

Milwaukee Bucks, CARW not taking sides in debate over stripping County Board’s land sale power
Concerned Milwaukess Urge County Board to Preserve the Public’s Stake in O’Donnell Park
Press Release

Concerned Milwaukess Urge County Board to Preserve the Public’s Stake in O’Donnell Park

We, the undersigned, oppose the sale of O’Donnell Park to Northwestern Mutual Life.

Murphy’s Law: Rich Park, Poor Park
Murphy’s Law

Rich Park, Poor Park

Milwaukee County Parks is increasingly a two-tier system, with the worst maintained parks in poor areas.

Murphy’s Law: The Tragedy of Chris and Sue
Murphy’s Law

The Tragedy of Chris and Sue

How the friendship of Abele and Black turned into bitter enmity.