Content referencing Christine Blasey Ford

Op Ed: Brad Schimel Fails Women, Victims
Op Ed

Brad Schimel Fails Women, Victims

Reviewing the Attorney General’s record on rape and sexual harassment.

Op Ed: President Trump is Beyond Divisive
Op Ed

President Trump is Beyond Divisive

He respects no one, maybe not even himself, and never seeks win-win outcomes.

Advocate Urge Victims To Report Sexual Assaults

Advocate Urge Victims To Report Sexual Assaults

Local groups like Sojourner Center say less than 10% of victims report assaults.

New Marquette Law School Poll finds tight race for Wisconsin governor, Baldwin leading in Senate contest
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds tight race for Wisconsin governor, Baldwin leading in Senate contest

Wisconsin voters weigh in on Kavanaugh confirmation, Mueller investigation

Baldwin, Vukmir Debate Health Care, Abortion

Baldwin, Vukmir Debate Health Care, Abortion

Challenger Vukmir was consistently on attack for one-hour debate.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on FBI Background Investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on FBI Background Investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh

"I am still not convinced that Judge Kavanaugh would serve as a fair, impartial and independent Supreme Court Justice."

Donald Trump Attacks Victim of Sexual Assault, Again. Scott Walker and Brad Schimel Silent, Again.
Press Release

Donald Trump Attacks Victim of Sexual Assault, Again. Scott Walker and Brad Schimel Silent, Again.

Top Republicans Choice: Denounce Appalling Behavior of Perpetuate Injustice With Silence

State Politicians Split on Kavanaugh

State Politicians Split on Kavanaugh

Vukmir disagrees with Baldwin, Evers; Walker equivocates on Supreme Court nominee.

Standing Up for Victims of Domestic Violence
Press Release

Standing Up for Victims of Domestic Violence

"This week, Dr. Blasey Ford’s brave testimony helped uplift sexual assault and violence in the nation's zeitgeist."

Senator Taylor Supports Delay of Kavanaugh Final Confirmation
Press Release

Senator Taylor Supports Delay of Kavanaugh Final Confirmation

"Although I wish Senator Flake had taken a bolder stance, I’m hopeful that his request is taken seriously by Republican Leadership and members of the Senate."

Leah Vukmir: It’s Time To Confirm Judge Kavanaugh
Press Release

Leah Vukmir: It’s Time To Confirm Judge Kavanaugh

“It’s time the Senate votes and confirms Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.”

Brad Schimel Blames Sexual Assault Victim for Scaring Other Survivors, Puts Politics First
Press Release

Brad Schimel Blames Sexual Assault Victim for Scaring Other Survivors, Puts Politics First

"I know Josh Kaul will stand up for survivors and make sure that dangerous criminals who commit these crimes are punished."

The Courage of Dr. Ford a Powerful Contrast With the Cowardice of Scott Walker
Press Release

The Courage of Dr. Ford a Powerful Contrast With the Cowardice of Scott Walker

‘There’s No Excuse for Walker Refusing to Show Leadership, But There is an Explanation’