Content referencing Bronson La Follette

Vos Recall Organizers Ask Dane County Judge For More Time

Vos Recall Organizers Ask Dane County Judge For More Time

Lawsuit by Vos says they lack enough signatures. Recall group seeks delay until Supreme Court decides which district voting map applies.

Murphy’s Law: Nation’s Worst Prison Gerrymandering?
Murphy’s Law

Nation’s Worst Prison Gerrymandering?

Wisconsin’s a leader in counting prisoners to inflate rural areas and rob urban areas of representation.

Smart Politics:  Democrats’ Sweep of Statewide Offices Is Rare
Smart Politics

Democrats’ Sweep of Statewide Offices Is Rare

First time since 1982, only third time in more than 125 years.

Governor Walker Statement on the Passing of Former Wisconsin Attorney General Bronson La Follette
Press Release

Governor Walker Statement on the Passing of Former Wisconsin Attorney General Bronson La Follette

"He was a dedicated public servant for several decades."

Smart Politics: Evers vs. Walker Would Be Historic Race
Smart Politics

Evers vs. Walker Would Be Historic Race

One of few times in history two incumbent state officials oppose each other.