Content referencing Bobby Scott

Op Ed: Congress Should Renew Workforce Innovation Act
Op Ed

Congress Should Renew Workforce Innovation Act

Program helps groups like Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership create tomorrow’s workforce.

Baldwin, Levin, Murray, Scott Reintroduce Legislation to Provide Two Free Years of Community College
Press Release

Baldwin, Levin, Murray, Scott Reintroduce Legislation to Provide Two Free Years of Community College

The America's College Promise Act creates federal-state partnerships to provide two years of tuition-free access to community or technical college programs that lead to a degree or industry-recognized credential.

Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce $50 Billion Bill to Address Child Care Crisis
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Ensure Child Care for All
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Ensure Child Care for All

The Child Care for Working Families Act would ensure high-quality, affordable child care for working families across the country

Pocan Leads Democrats in Introducing Bill to Raise the Minimum Wage
Press Release

Pocan Leads Democrats in Introducing Bill to Raise the Minimum Wage

The bill would gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour in 2024.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Student Non-Discrimination Act
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Student Non-Discrimination Act

Legislation would help protect public school students from bullying, harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity