
Campaign Cash: 2022 Election for Governor Cost $164 Million!
Campaign Cash

2022 Election for Governor Cost $164 Million!

Obliterating 2018 record of $93 million, with Evers getting 53% of total spending.

Vos Casts Doubt on Medical Marijuana

Vos Casts Doubt on Medical Marijuana

'We're not that close' to legalizing it, says Assembly Speaker, as some GOP legislators see it as gateway to recreational pot.

85 of 86 Incumbent State Legislators Won in 2022

85 of 86 Incumbent State Legislators Won in 2022

Just one lost. Experts blame Republican gerrymandering and uncompetitive districts.

New State GOP Chair Pushes Early Voting

New State GOP Chair Pushes Early Voting

Big change for Republicans who, led by Trump, had discouraged absentee voting.

Murphy’s Law: A Right-Wing War In High Court Race
Murphy’s Law

A Right-Wing War In High Court Race

It's getting nasty: Mark Belling blasts candidate Kelly and Justice Bradley attacks candidate Dorow and Belling.

The State of Politics: Battle Lines Clear in Capitol Budget Battle
The State of Politics

Battle Lines Clear in Capitol Budget Battle

What to watch for as Gov. Evers and Republican legislators begin battle over your money.

Campaign Cash: Spending on AG, Secretary Of State Races Up In 2022
Campaign Cash

Spending on AG, Secretary Of State Races Up In 2022

Spending on Secretary of State race 38 times higher than in 2018.

Op Ed: How Are State’s Women Doing Under 1849 Abortion Ban?
Op Ed

How Are State’s Women Doing Under 1849 Abortion Ban?

Not so well, doctors say.

State’s Union Membership the Lowest Since 1989

State’s Union Membership the Lowest Since 1989

Dropping from about 21% of Wisconsin's workforce to just over 7%.

Gov. Evers’ Budget Expected To Support His “Year of Mental Health” Declaration

Gov. Evers’ Budget Expected To Support His “Year of Mental Health” Declaration

Budget proposal expected to include millions for expanding mental health programs, including in schools.

Plenty of Horne: Where Does ‘Conversion Therapy’ Go Next?
Plenty of Horne

Where Does ‘Conversion Therapy’ Go Next?

Milwaukee County could pass its own ban. Evers calls Republican actions 'ridiculous.'

MKE County: Dyango Zerpa Resigns From County Board
MKE County

Dyango Zerpa Resigns From County Board

Freshman supervisor expensed unapproved hotel stay to county credit card.