WOLF! Is this a real alarm? It doesn’t matter… if you’re a sheep, you’ll start shaking
Wasserman Schultz is crying wolf... and the sheep are shaking
WOLF! WOLF! WOLF! Ah. I’m jus’ playin’ wit’cha. Wolves aren’t even native to this area. Not my area at least. However, you will often (far too often) hear the loud, annoying, abrasive braying of an ass. By ass, I euphemize (for those of you who believe this braying ass, you may want to grab a dictionary in order to cogitate the meaning of this word due to the fact that you probably believe whatever is told to you, without question, which statistically equates to a particular point on an acumen scale) the braying of a Democrat (that’s where the euphemism comes into play… when you finally get it you may actually laugh) Party Chairperson (not Chair“man” because that would be sexist and offensive) Debbie Wasserman Schultz. DNC Chairman… sorry… chair ”person” Debbie Wasserman Schultz has equated the tenure of Scott Walker to the likes of an abusive male spouse. Really, Debbie? Do explain. To quote My Cousin Vinny, “I’d LOVE ta hear dis!” Can you please explain to me how Scott Walker has degraded, assaulted or abused women? Literally or figuratively? Either or should yield the same results. I’m listening. I’m waiting. Waiting. Hungry. Sleepy.
If you eat the worst chocolate cake in the world it would still probably be pretty good. It’s chocolate cake. But just because you have had something that you identify as such, it doesn’t make it so. My guess is that you’ve never had real chocolate cake. There’s probably something else you’ve never had, like a letter that resembles the shape of a chocolate cake, but I digress from furthering that thought. You assume something is such, even though you’ve never seen, much less had, the real thing. I doubt you’ve ever come close to seeing that side of humanity, much less lived it.
You say that Democrats are the advocate for women. Could you please tell me how that is? What have you done to help women? What have you done to help women in general, much less protect them from the “abusive” Republicans? What have Republicans done? Know you nothing of your own party? Here, let me give you a hand. Oops… that’ll be taken out of context. Or shall I use your parlance and say “let me take a swing at this.” How about you ask Democrat Candidate for Wisconsin Attorney General, Susan Happ how she let a man, Daniel J. Reynolds–who was involved with a lucrative land contract with her, skate on charges of sexually assaulting a minor in exchange for a disorderly conduct charge so she wouldn’t have to fork out cash on a bad deal–how she stands up for women. Or how about the Sarah Butters case where the 3 college men videotaped the assault and distributed the video, netting the 3 men the punishment of “expulsion after graduation.” Academia is not run by conservatives, Debbie. Is that the kind of behavior that Scott Walker is engaged in? I’ll stop talking if you can provide proof. Of course maybe the IRS should take a hint from your college pals here. I’d love to have to pay the IRS only after I’m dead. Perhaps Congresswoman Gwen Moore could agree with that sentiment instead of agreeing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz. As a double minority there’s no way you can make it to the halls of Congress with all of those men pulling you back by your hair.
Do you want to ask those poor girls how they feel knowing that nothing was done to their offender? I doubt you would. I doubt you could. I doubt you’d understand. I’d say it’s hard for offenders to scale the wall of the crystal palace of power you reside in but statistically that isn’t true. Statistically, however, what IS true is that it has just never happened to you. If it has… then that power factor must be pretty enchanting for you to discard another human being’s livelihood and security for your palace seat.
My guess is that you’ve never had to sit and wonder why your friend stops posting pictures on social media since she started dating that new guy, only to find out why later. I guess you’ve never had to help a friend move all of her stuff in the middle of the day while her roommate is at work in order get her to a safe place. I guess you’ve never had to watch a girl miss 2 days of work, only to come in on the 3rd day with an eye so black that makeup didn’t cover it. Watching her have to face everybody at work and every customer knowing that her next quest was to take all of the belongings she could carry and her children to a halfway house in order to protect her kids from watching their mom get clobbered. Have you ever watched a man with bruised knuckles bring in flowers (with some friends, of course) to said girl and you seriously debated whether or not to risk jail time in order to do what the court system won’t? Probably not, but I did. I didn’t do anything to him, do you know why? Not because “refraining from beating his face to a pulp” was the right thing to do, but because I knew that I would be the one going to jail even though he would walk free. Why? Because you and your fake finger pointing friends not only point to the wrong person but you persecute and prosecute the wrong person too.
How many times are you going to let sex offenders and wife beaters to go free because “they just need a chance?” How many times are you going to point the finger and falsely accuse someone of a lie because you have no other means to get what you want or win your false, failing and forsaken argument? Scott Walker backhanded women? Scott Walker probably never backhanded a tennis ball.
Keep crying wolf girls, because if the best you have as an example of women battering is “King Abuser” Mitt Romney’s “Binders Full of Women” gaff then allow me to point you to an episode of Law and Order; Season 2, Episode 8 entitled Out of Control (fast forward to minute 42 if your lives are too busy being filled with lies and idiocy to view the entire show and watch the court scene). THAT is a dose of reality and THAT is you in a nutshell.
If you don’t wish to take seriously the crime of abuse and assault, guess what? It won’t happen to me. No skin off my nose. But one day these lemmings that you have under your thumb will realize that not only are conservatives NOT the oppressors of women, but that the real wolf in sheep’s clothing is you. Like the ants in the movie A Bug’s Life, one day they will understand that you grasshoppers are not only unnecessary for their survival, but in fact the cause of most of their problems. I only hope that nothing happens to them as you continue to set these animals free.
In the meantime, make sure you don’t visit any halfway houses. I doubt you carry enough makeup to cover up the truth… or your lies. Oh, and kudos to you for being statistically lucky enough to be on the safe slice of the pie chart. If you think that having that advantage is trivial and something to mock, I hope you never find out how wrong you are.
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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