Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
Press Release

Wisconsin Safety and Professional Services Keeps Focus on Efficiency, Safety

Latest collaboration helps streamline Medicaid enrollment for new clinicians

Madison, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) today announced a collaboration to streamline data sharing and help more medical professionals get to work more quickly.

Wisconsin’s safety agency has worked to create an interface that shares information gathered during the state license application process, allowing for the automation of the Medicaid Provider Registration/Validation process for new clinicians.

Previously, that Medicaid registration process required clinicians to manually enter required information, much of it the same information they enter during the state licensing process. Now, data provided at the time of licensing will be automatically and securely transferred to the Medicaid enrollment system, kickstarting that validation process.

“What we have done is remove a step to create an easier experience for the clinicians. They don’t have to re-enter all the same information in another platform,” noted DSPS Secretary Dan Hereth. “It’s the latest way we are expanding on Governor Tony Evers’ workforce development efforts, improving processes to move trained professionals into the workforce as quickly and safely as possible.”

Sec. Hereth explained that this idea came out of one of his many conversations with stakeholders since becoming DSPS Secretary two years ago. In this case it was a conversation with officials at UW Health about ways to streamline the path from student to health provider.

“For a clinician to begin seeing patients, many processes must be completed. Collaborations such as this to reduce the time required to apply for and receive approval for Medicaid enrollment are a great help,” said Leigh Larson, UW Health Director of Graduate Medical Education and Medical Staff Administration.

“We already gather much of the required data during the application process. It was just a matter of connecting the dots and making state government work better for Wisconsinites,” Sec. Hereth added.

Since being appointed Secretary by Gov. Evers in 2022, Hereth has worked to use data, technology, and novel collaborations to speed up the transition from classroom to job site. Learn more about those initiatives on the DSPS Workforce Ready Wisconsin page and workforceready.wi.gov.

About DSPS: DSPS issues more than 240 unique licenses, administers dozens of boards and councils that regulate professions, enforces state building codes, and maintains the Wisconsin Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, which is a key tool in the multi-faceted public health campaign to stem excessive opioid prescribing. A fee-based agency, DSPS is self-sustaining and receives no general fund tax dollars for its day-to-day operations. With 250 employees throughout Wisconsin, DSPS collaborates with constituents and stakeholders across a wide range of industries to promote safety and advance the economy.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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