Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

Weekend Update: A Short History of Sen. Ron Johnson’s Supreme Court Obstructionism

Ron Johnson is content to take his cues from Washington Republicans who favor partisan bickering and obstructionism over a full and functional Supreme Court.

By - Feb 22nd, 2016 03:45 pm

MADISON –  On Friday, we reviewed Sen. Johnson’s week in Supreme Court obstructionism. After the flood of condemnation and the stinging editorials, Johnson received for refusing to do his job, you’d imagine the Senator would rethink his partisan position. But, no.

On Saturday, Johnson paid a visit to the state of Wisconsin to tout his obstructionist stance.

As the Daily Union reports, Sen. Johnson remains in lockstep with Republicans like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Mitch McConnell who favor delaying a Supreme Court nominee until after President Obama leaves office:

Johnson has joined in supporting Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in calls to block an Obama nominee without a hearing.

“Rather than have a lame-duck president put forward a nomination, rather than have a lame-duck Senate confirm that nomination, why don’t we let the American people decide?,” Johnson said.

“It’s a unique time in our history. The American people are going to go to the polls in 2016 and decide what path this nation is on. Are we going to continue on this road to serfdom or are we going to change course and re-embrace the founding principles of this nation?”

While we don’t quite understand how nominating a justice to our nation’s highest court is tantamount to serfdom, we do know one thing: instead of doing his job, Ron Johnson is content to take his cues from Washington Republicans who favor partisan bickering and obstructionism over a full and functional Supreme Court.

It’s wrong, it’s irresponsible, and it’s what we’ve come to expect from Sen. Johnson.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. Clark David says:

    Is it any surprise that people are looking to outside candidates such as Sanders and Trump when establishment political institutions, both Democrat and Republican put out such knee jerk and hypocritical statements? They took exactly the opposite positions when the shoe was on the other foot. One would hope that integrity and honor might matter.

  2. wisconsin conservative digest says:

    Nice for Bruce to confirm that this is the “paid” site for the dems in this state and the “Hate Walker team”.

  3. Vincent Hanna says:

    So no comment on the actual story? Just more invective.

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