The Spot 4MKE Lease Renewed
Activities Planned for Wisconsin Avenue
MILWAUKEE – October 16, 2015 – Creative Alliance Milwaukee (CAM) is pleased to announce their lease renewal for creative placemaking activities for “The Spot 4MKE” (corner of 5th & Wisconsin Ave.) as decided at Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee meeting on October 15, 2015. The lease was approved for renewal for the next 6 months with an extension at the discretion of the Executive Director for an additional 6 months allowing continuation through October 31, 2016. The original lease was written through October 31, 2015. Activity in Westown at The Spot 4MKE coincides with a recent renaissance of development and activities in the area with goals of adding opportunities for creative showcase, enhanced quality of life, economic development and perception of safety. With this lease renewal, year-round activities can be planned for The Spot 4MKE.
“We are thrilled with the opportunity to continue to provide ‘surprise and delight’ activation in the center of our downtown in the coming year – allowing visitors to our city as well as locals the opportunity to creatively interact and enjoy our downtown and Westown areas,” notes Maggie Jacobus, President and CEO of Creative Alliance Milwaukee.
Since June 2015, with seed funding from Southwest Airlines’ Heart of the Community grant program, CAM has featured various activities throughout the summer at The Spot 4MKE. CAM is piloting a Creative Placemaking Artist in Residence Program in October with local artists Fonde Bridges and Mikal Floyd-Pruitt (The Concrete Dreamers). The artists are adding opportunities for local artists and creatives along with community members and area employers to build activities and art at The Spot 4MKE. This program continues to provide activities through the end of the month including an All Ages Dance Party scheduled for October 17th from 2-7pm (see attached for this week’s activity schedule).
About The Spot 4MKE: follow @TheSpot4MKE on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and check for activities listings and most recent updates. #TheSpot4MKE
About Creative Alliance Milwaukee (CAM): a nonprofit organization focused on economic development initiatives to link, leverage, promote and grow the creative industries in the greater Milwaukee region. Defined as an industry sector by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce and the state’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, the creative industries have been identified as a new economic growth opportunity for the Milwaukee 7 region. CAM exists to drive this economic growth and potential by serving as a catalytic hub to leverage applied creativity in education, commerce and culture. By linking and leveraging the creative community—those Milwaukee organizations, individuals and companies whose products and services originate in artistic, cultural, creative and/or aesthetic content—the entire sector benefits from synergy, building connections and business opportunities together, and job creation. See
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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