Spring Gallery Night and Day to be held April 25-26, 2014
It's the Ultimate Art Weekend... galleries to discover, museums to explore, and shops to browse!
Presented by the Historic Third Ward Association, the 25-year-old Gallery Night and Day is the premier art event in Milwaukee for both the experienced art connoisseur and the beginning admirer. An evening of gallery hopping and art viewing begins Friday, April 25 and continues during the day on Saturday, April 26. This spring, the quarterly event showcases 49 venues throughout the downtown Milwaukee area. Admission is free to all venues during event hours listed below.
Catch the free Friday Gallery Night Xpress and enjoy a NEW three-stop route which will take visitors from the Third Ward to East Town and back. Or take the second Xpress bus to the Harley-Davidson Museum. Board at 225 E. Chicago Street. Both shuttles make continuous loops from 5 to 9pm Friday with stops approximately every 10 minutes. Visit www.gallerynightandday.org for additional information.
The participants in April’s Gallery Night and Day are:
1) DEAN JENSEN GALLERY – (759 N. Water St. – 414.278.7100 – deanjensengallery.com)
Tyanna J. Buie: Picking Favorites. In this exhibition, as in most of her shows, Buie engages in an archaeological dig, of sorts – one of which she continues her digging and boring through bygone years in an ongoing attempt at re-glimpsing and re-experiencing what she can of a girlhood that was largely spent separated from her parents and other members of her family as she was moved into one foster home after another. “Picking Favorites” has taken the form of an installation where all the objects in the gallery – Buie’s large, palimpsest-like, monotypes, as well as curled, old, black and white photos and other artifacts from her past – are drenched with memories for her that are both sweet and heart-breaking. Exhibition runs April 25 through May 31, 2014. Friday: 6 to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 4pm
2) DeLIND GALLERY OF FINE ART – (450 E. Mason St. – 414.271.8525 – delindgallery.com) Doug DeLind Raku Ceramic Pottery. DeLind Gallery of Fine Art will continue Milwaukee’s excitement with Ceramics from the recent NCACA show with a new collection of Doug DeLind Raku artworks. Doug is one of the American pioneers of this ancient Japanese ceramic art form, working closely with his mentor Louis Rainier at Michigan State University in the 1960’s. Inspired by man’s earliest drawings on caves on all 5 continents, Doug’s faces are beautiful and haunting. Raku is a difficult glaze to master and he readily admits, “Sometimes the best results are accidental.” Exhibition runs April 2 through April 26, 2014. Friday: 5:30 to 9pm, Saturday: 10:30am to 4pm
3) HAGGERTY MUSEUM OF ART – MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY – (13th & Clybourn – 414.288.1669 – marquette.edu/haggerty) Running through May 18, 2014, the Haggerty features photography in Brian Ulrich: Copia – Retail, Thrift, and Dark Stores, 2001-2011, and three complementary exhibitions providing thought-provoking explorations of consumer culture and its societal impact. Highlights include contemporary art in Between Critique and Absorption, Wisconsin craft in Aesthetic Afterlife: An Exhibition by the Chipstone Foundation, and historical decorative arts in The Print Room: An Exhibition by the Chipstone Foundation. Friday: 10am to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 4:30pm
4) KATIE GINGRASS GALLERY – (241 N. Broadway – 414.289.0855 – gingrassgallery.com) From Heaven to Earth – the transcendence of clay. This group show of nationally acclaimed ceramic artists depicts a wide scope of ceramic interpretation. Divergent firing techniques and media effect a variety of results. From functional pottery to abstract porcelain sculpture, this exhibit explores the connection between divine inspiration and common clay. Featured artists include Bennett Bean, Margaret Kenway Haydon, Sandra Byers, Chuck Solberg, Natalie Blake, James Aarons, Jef Raasch, Curtis Benzle, Melissa Greene, Jennifer McCurdy, Suzanne Crane, Justin Teillhet, Chuck Solberg, and Michael Ware. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 5pm
5) MILWAUKEE INSTITUTE OF ART & DESIGN (MIAD) – (273 E. Erie St. – 414.847.3200 – miad.edu) MIAD 2014 Senior Exhibition – April 18 – May 10. Milwaukee’s most exuberant exhibition of emerging talent returns in all MIAD galleries. Friday and Saturday, meet the artists and designers who innovate for our economy and community, and discuss their capstone projects from all of MIAD’s 11 majors and 15 minors. The exhibition is generously sponsored by BMO Harris Bank. MIAD Define – Wednesday, April 23, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Join the MIAD community for a day dedicated to senior presentations and TED-like lectures and discussions within the 2014 Senior Exhibition. Opening Reception, Gallery Night – Friday, April 25 from 5 to 9pm, Gallery Day Conversations – Saturday, April 26 from 1 to 5pm; Gallery Hours: Tues. – Sat., 10am to 5pm; Gallery Night Reception, 5 to 9pm
6) TORY FOLLIARD GALLERY – (233 N. Milwaukee St. – 414.273.7311 – toryfolliard.com) The Still Life has been a major theme of artists for centuries and continues to be relevant today. Contemporary, fresh, traditional and experimental, The New Still Life includes the Midwest’s best painters and sculptors. Glass sculpture by Beth Lipman and Stephanie Trenchard and new paintings by Melanie Parke, Clare Malloy, Lon Michels, Jeffrey Ripple, Dennis Nechvatal, John Sayers, and John Wilde celebrate the classic theme of the Still Life with a contemporary tone. Meet many of the artists on Gallery Night! Exhibition runs April 25 through May 24, 2014. Friday: 11am to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 4pm
7) WALKER’S POINT CENTER FOR THE ARTS – (839 N. 5th St. – 414.672.2787 – wpca-milwaukee.org) Join us in our 26th year in featuring contemporary art! See our website for more details: www.wpca-milwaukee.org. Also featured this evening is artist Leann Wooten’s work in our Featured Member Exhibition Series. WPCA is proud to offer an additional benefit for our members, artists are juried from the body of work included in WPCA’s Annual Members Show which takes place in September! This season’s juror, Katherine Murrell, is a lecturer in art history at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design and other area colleges. Opening reception Spring Gallery Night 5-9pm. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 12 to 5pm
8) COALITION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS (COPA) – (600 E. Mason St., 2nd Floor [Easy elevator access] – 414.982.5599 – copamilwaukee.com) The work of CoPA members covers the spectrum of fine art photography. Photographers working in both traditional film to digital images. Their work includes landscapes, portraits, abstracts, street photography, wildlife and more. An exhibition you do not want to miss. Friday: 5 to 10pm, Saturday: 12 to 6pm
9) DAVID BARNETT GALLERY – (1024 E. State St. at Prospect – 414.271.5058 – davidbarnettgallery.com) Sylvia Spicuzza. Sylvia Spicuzza, daughter of noted painter Francesco Spicuzza, produced a magnificent body of work undiscovered until her death. Rich and diverse, a fascinating collection of drawings, watercolors, paintings and prints from the 1920’s to the 1990’s. Also, Wassily Kandinsky original woodcuts from Klange. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 5pm
10) DISCOVERY WORLD– (500 N. Harbor Dr. – 414.765.8764 – discoveryworld.org) Who Are the Innovators? Who Are the Innovators? is an emerging designer exhibition by the Kohl’s Design It! Lab at Discovery World. Design work will be interactive with a variety of demonstrations, experiments and installations. Friday: 6 to 8pm, Saturday: 10am to 5pm
11) GALLERY GRAND AT GAC– (604 N. Water St. – 414.795.7108 – gallerygrand.com) Broads, Chicks, and Divas: Art by and/or about Women. Gallery Grand at GAC is presenting a multi artist, multimedia exhibit celebrating the diverse feminine spirit and form. Works are serious, fun, thought-provoking, challenging and powerful… just like a woman! Exhibition runs April 25 through July 11, 2014.Friday: 5 to 8:30pm, Saturday: 1 to 3pm
12) GNOAP GALLERY AT THE PLAZA HOTEL– (1007 N. Cass St. – 414.426.9137 – gnoapcollective.com) Come enjoy the eclectic art of Gnoap Gallery. View illustrations by Jackie Schneider; jewelry by Bonnie DeSautelle, Marianne & Sally Newman; mixed media by Heidi Bavlnka; paintings by Cathy Holly, Jeff Main; photographs by CJ Schmit, Leanne Krueger, Michael Piotrowski; sculpture by Michael Dornemann. Music provided by DJ A. Friday: 5 to 10pm
13) GROHMANN MUSEUM – (1000 N. Broadway at State St. – 414.277.2300 – msoe.edu/grohmann) The train is leaving the station! Last chance to see Trains that Passed in the Night: Railroad Photographs of O. Winston Link. Organized by Thomas H. Garver and produced in collaboration with the Center for Railroad Photography and Art in Madison (www.railphoto-art.org), this exhibition features 36 framed, original prints signed by the photographer. O. Winston Link, a Brooklyn, New York, native and commercial photographer became well-recognized for his complex images of railroads, factories, and industrial plant interiors. For Link, the steam railroad was a vital ingredient to ‘the good life’ in America, an essential part of the fabric of our lives. It is the quality – of life, not machinery – which he captures so artfully in his photographs. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 12 to 6pm
15) MILWAUKEE LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER -(1110 N. Market St., 2nd Fl. – 414.271.2656 – mkelgbt.org) Photographer Jamie Robarge explores transgender identity in Kingstress. She documents A. Love, a make up artist, on his journey through life. Kingstress is defined as a (male or female) two spirited soul that has both male and female characteristics. Exhibition runs April 25 through June 1, 2014. Friday: 5 to 9pm
16) MILWAUKEE MARRIOTT DOWNTOWN– (625 N. Milwaukee St. – 414.278.5999 – marriott.com/mkedn) The color and vibrancy of Mags Hobbs’ abstract landscapes inspired originally by her English childhood, are also found in the broad sweep of Wisconsin’s lakes and farmlands. Inspired originals. Friday: 4 to 8pm, Saturday: 4 to 8pm
17) THE PFISTER HOTEL – ARTIST IN RESIDENCE – (424 E. Wisconsin Ave. – 414.273.8222 – thepfisterhotel.com) Visit the Pfister Artist’s Studio and meet the new Artist in Residence, Niki Johnson. Niki is a sculptor and conceptual artist that works in a wide array of materials and processes to create her artwork. During her residency over the next year, she will sculpt six child-sized bathtubs out of oil clay, and then cast them in porcelain. Each bathtub will depict heroines from fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen. Visitors to Johnson’s studio will be able to watch her at work, building and shaping elements of the tubs, including braiding yards of hair for the “Rapunzel” tub, dying feathers for “Snow White,” and altering wolf skins for “Little Red Riding Hood.” Beginning at 9pm on Friday in the Rouge, join Niki for a post gallery night reception with complimentary snacks and a cash bar. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: throughout the day
18) THIRD COAST STYLE– (514 N. Water St. – 262.227.4268 – thirdcoaststyle.com) Third Coast Style will host four art events for Gallery Night. Live tape sculpture creation of a living model executed by Ivan Herrado. Photo exhibition of Third Coast Style Fashion Photography by Kryg Piatek. Music by DJ, Bree Rose. Mini Runway show of TCS Milwaukee Designer Fashions. All “Created in Milwaukee.” Friday: 11am to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 6pm
19) AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF WISCONSIN – (207 E. Buffalo St., Suite 325 – 414.272.4032 – aclu-wi.org) ACLU of Wisconsin protects and promotes the civil liberties and rights of all Wisconsinites. Join us for our annual spring gallery show. This year’s event will showcase works on the theme of Privacy. Stop by Friday evening for a reception with appetizers and civil discourse! Friday: 5 to 10pm, Saturday: 11am to 4pm
20) EVOLUTION MILWAUKEE (FORMERLY SPiN) -(233 E. Chicago St. – 414.831.7746 – spinmilwaukee.com) Rachel Hughes – Local artist and graphic designer who creates bold and beautiful Day of the Dead inspired illustrations using Sharpie and acrylic on wood. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 5pm
21) GALLERY 218 – (207 E. Buffalo St., Suite 218 – 414.643.1732 – gallery218.com) An Abstract Nature. Large scale abstract photography, painting, collage. Artists: Judith Hooks, Bernie Newman, Josh Hintz, Jim Schaff, Randi Barke. Live jazz by Keith Watling and refreshments Friday. Artists applications accepted on Saturdays. Second floor of the Marshall Building. Exhibition runs April 25 through June 7, 2014. Friday: 5 to 10pm, Saturday: 12 to 5pm
22) GALLERY MKE – (207 E. Buffalo St., Suite 421 – 505.280.0773 – gallerymke.com) Exciting new working studio/gallery! Artist/Muralist Mary Culling’s exhibit “Windows of MKE,” acrylic on canvas, presenting contemporary studies of Milwaukee’s Downtown Architecture. Artist Sally Davidson Lautmann showcases Passaj: Jewelry on a Journey, recreating memorable vintage components into dazzling one of a kind treasures. Refreshments available. Friday: 11am to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 5pm
23)HANSEN REYNOLDS DICKINSON CRUEGER, LLC – (316 N. Milwaukee St., Suite 200 – 414.455.7676 – hrdclaw.com) Husband and wife team, Steve Puetzer and Tricia Shay, are showcasing two different styles of photography; his color conceptual images; hers, black and white architectural details of Milwaukee. All are beautifully displayed in a unique handmade wooden frame system. Friday: 5 to 9pm
24) ITALIAN CONFERENCE CENTER – (631 E. Chicago St. – 414.223.2180 – italianconference.com) Two person show featuring Milwaukee artists Gerry Geischer, who captures the delight that surrounds us in water, landscape and people, and Laura Easey-Jones embracing the joy of eating from the grotesque to the sublime. Enjoy dinner at La Scala before or after exploring art. Wine and Cheese on Friday. Friday: 6 to 10pm, Saturday: 11am to 3pm
25) KRAL REAL ESTATE -(120 N. Milwaukee St. – 414.455.3777 – kralrealestate.com) Meredith Danhauer – Observations: Reflections of the Artist’s Eye; Beki Borman – contemporary abstract landscape paintings in acrylic; Samantha Harmon-Smith; Photography – self taught, inspired by music and beautiful things in daily life.; Emma LaPine – figurative illustrations, structured but organic; Original Art By Regina. OREGINAL. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 1pm
26) MILWAUKEE PUBLIC MARKET – (400 N. Water St. – 414.336.1111 – milwaukeepublicmarket.org) Student artist Audrey Mantooth will display work which explores current environmental issues in conservation, particularly species extinction and habitat loss. Friday: 10am to 9pm, Saturday 8am to 3pm
27) NEROLI SALON & SPA – (327 E. St. Paul Ave. – 414.227.2888 – nerolispa.com) Experience local art, photography & jewelry in one stop. Featuring abstract canvas paintings from Studio 13, photography by Carl Stevens and jewelry by Morgan Kempfer. In addition, a live editorial photo shoot will be taking place with the Neroli hair and makeup team. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 8am to 4pm
28) OIL, A CITY GALLERY – (222 E. Erie St., Suite 110 – 414.588.6823 – oilmilwaukee.com) Large contemporary gallery with new works created and displayed every Wednesday through Friday 3pm to 7pm, Saturday and Sunday Noon to 4pm, and by appointment. Featuring Judy Barczak’s large figurative works and Hal Koenig’s urban and landscape canvases. Stay late and listen to vocalist/guitarist Henry Kruger! Friday: 4 to 11pm, Saturday 12 to 5pm
29) PARSIFAL CLASSIC MERCEDES BOUTIQUE – (520 E. Menomonee St. – 414.988.4066 – parsifalclassic.com) Nationally recognized Mercedes-Benz restoration and repair service, Black Forest LLC brings you a one-of-a-kind classic showroom experience, Parsifal. Parsifal Classic Mercedes Boutique features classic restored Mercedes-Benz vehicles, bespoke mid-century modern furniture, and original artwork from local artists. Friday: 5 to 9pm
30) RUSTICO PIZZERIA – (223 N. Water St. – 414.220.9933 – rusticopizzeria.com) Sandra Fin May, Midwest artist in galleries throughout the U.S. creates abstract paintings incorporating mixed media and believes the circle of creation involves the viewers as well. “All my work is a process-from conception to participation from my patrons.” Friday: 11am to 1:30am, Saturday: 11am to 1:30am
31) SADLER GALLERY– (207 E. Buffalo St., Suite 200 – 414.278.1395 – sadlergallery.net) Spring Show. Celebrating Spring with works by Arvid Petersen (If You Don’t Get It, Find It), Sasha Kinens (Tales of Life Today), Bridget Griffith Evans (New portrait series “Avec”), Hyrom Stokes (I Shall Rise Above), Lisa Brobst (Contemporary Furniture), Liz Phillips (Nature’s Realist), Eric Oates (American Pop-Experssionist) and ILYA! Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 4pm
32) SENSORIUM -(326 N. Water St., 2nd Floor – 414.224.0015 – sensorium.me) Temple. A spatial and sensory experiment bringing regional artists and the community together, facilitating an experience beyond the self. Artists: Eric Baillies, Nina Bednarski, Mark Duerr, Craig Grabhorn, Evan Gruzis, Faythe Levine, Bill Miller, Alec Regan, Jamie Stanek, Fred Stonehouse, Michael Velliquette, Serena Weits. Friday: 5 to 10pm, Saturday: 10am to 4pm
34) STUDIO BLIP – (207 E. Buffalo St., Suite 210 – 414.429.8132 – studioblip.net) Find a new “blip” on your art radar! Designers Ken and Ruth Vonderberg translate their experience into fine art. Varied media and subject matter inspires a range of work worth exploring. The studio is open every third Friday and by appointment. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 11am to 4pm
35) THE FINE ART GALLERY – (207 E. Buffalo St., Suite 210 – 414.688.2787 – thefineartgallery.org) Creative Forces. THE Fine Art Gallery’s new exhibition, Creative Forces, features two guest artists, Meredith W. Watts, Dancing Wisdom: Photography, and Amy Cropper, Field and Sky: Mixed Media Landscapes. Other exhibiting artists are Dagmara Costello, Virgi Driscoll, JJ Joyce, D. Wesenberg Rzezotarski, and Harry Wirth. Exhibition runs April 18 through July 19, 2014. Friday: 12 to 9pm, Saturday: 12 to 4pm
36) THE HUDSON BUSINESS LOUNGE – (310 N. Broadway – 414.220.9460 – thehudson.org) Contemporary Art Quilts. These aren’t your Grandmothers’ quilts! Enjoy the dazzle and punch of contemporary art quilts from members of Milwaukee’s North Shore Quilter’s Guild. In the first juried group quilt exhibit of Gallery Night, feel the flow of jazz and fantasy in fabric through landscapes, improvisational piecing, and color splash. Friday: 6 to 10pm, Saturday: 10am to 6pm
37) TIMOTHY COBB FINE ARTS – (207 E. Buffalo St., Lobby Suite 130 – 414.255.8166 – timothycobbfinearts.com) OUTSIDER ART! Sculptures from the Bernard J. Roberts collection. This nearly unknown Wisconsin artist’s work has rarely been seen. For decades Roberts kept the majority of his work out of view of the entrenched, institutionalized art scene. Featuring sticks & stones, wires & nails, wood carvings, figurative, large & small format works. A collector’s dream! The beautiful paintings of Chinese-American Hsin-Lin Chiao combine artistry and spirituality with unique form and color. Don’t miss it! Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10am to 5pm. Friday: 10am to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 5pm
38) TRANSLATOR – (415 E. Menomonee St. – 651. 236.0475 – translatormke.com) Adoption at a Glance… A visual timeline of our adoption journey that culminated in the adoption of our twins. A compelling and interesting story of love, perseverance and hope. All proceeds will go to ADOPTUSKIDS, a great informational resource and support group for adoptive families. Friday: 5 to 9pm
39) ALPHABANG! COLLECTIVE & ART SPACE – (228 S. 1st., #201 – 715.323.4819 – AlphaBang! on Facebook) AlphaBang! Collective is a media making boutique and emerging photo/video art space. Join us for an open house and exhibition featuring the works of media maker Jaclyn Tyler Poeschl. The show celebrates the women of hip hop in Milwaukee through photographic portraits and a media short which delves into the world of female hip hop artists. Live DJ and refreshments.
Friday: 6 to 9pm, Saturday: 12 to 4pm
40) ARTS @ LARGE – (908 S. 5th St. – 414.763.7379 – artsatlargeinc.org) Stories Shared. Discover ways in which stories are shared in this student and artist created exhibition. Explore the story quilts of nationally renowned artist Faith Ringgold, the wearable sculptural art of local artist Andrea Skyberg, and the artwork of MPS students who helped create the children’s book, Shimmerling. Exhibition runs April 25 through July 3, 2014. Friday: 5 to 8pm
41) HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESTORE -(420 S. 1st St. – 414.257.9078 – milwaukeerestore.com) Recycled Art Contest. ReStore’s Recycled Art Contest challenges Milwaukeeans to create artwork and repurpose items using primarily ReStore product. To celebrate our mission, this year’s participants created their works with the theme: Community. Find out who the public voted top five best pieces in one of the city’s greenest exhibitions! Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm
42) HARLEY-DAVIDSON MUSEUM – (400 W. Canal St. – 414.287.2789 – h-dmuseum.com) Living Lost, Photographs by Josh Kurpius. Taken during a series of road trips, Josh Kurpius’ photographs not only expose the beauty of the American panorama, but the raw beauty captured in the off-moments of traveling by vintage chopper. Exhibition runs through May 18, 2014. Free Friday night admission from 5 to 9pm; regular admission applies on Saturday. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 6pm
43) HAVEN ART CENTER – (2625 S. Greeley St., #3H – 414.915.1154 – havenartcenter.com) This is the grand opening event for Haven Art Center, a place for the creative to gather for instruction, exhibition, figure drawing and picture framing. Exhibition runs April 25 through May 15, 2014. Friday: 4 to 10pm, Saturday: 10am to 5pm
44) THE IRON HORSE HOTEL – (500 W. Florida St. – 414.374.4766 – theironhorsehotel.com) Hatton Custom Design presents “What’s Old is New,” at the Iron Horse Hotel’s spring Gallery Night and Day. Scott Hatton is a Wisconsin native whose most recent works have focused on rustic “old Milwaukee” and its roots. His show will demonstrate how the past can re-invent itself and promote the growth of a strong and prosperous community. The event is sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer with proceeds going to Milwaukee mentor program Build Moto. Friday: 5 to 10pm
45) ORLANDINI STUDIOS – (633 W. Virginia St. – 414.272.3657 – orlandinistudios.com) April in Paris! Well, how about April in Wisconsin? Debra Stubbe-Burkart will be showcasing her Door County light houses, Harley Museum and bike drawings. She also does commission work of landscapes, portraits of family and pets! Eugene Orlandini will have his studio open to show you some of his new work he is doing in theaters around the Milwaukee area, plus some private homes he has been restoring. We know its not Paris, but stop by and get a glimpse of what we can share of Parisian Style. Friday: 6 to 10pm, Saturday: 11am to 5pm
46) AYZHA FINE ARTS GALLERY & BOUTIQUE – (275 W. Wisconsin Ave. – 414.220.4355 – ayzhafinearts.com) Photographer Craig Felix captures the pride of America’s oldest black neighborhood in photos. Painter Patricia Obletz shows nobility of horses. Also on display: the second of installation artist DaLaMar’s fairy tale trilogy; new works by young artist Jill Schweiss, and inspirational songs by vocalists Terrell Lewis and Berdina Howard. Program at 7pm on Friday. Exhibition runs April 25 through June 30, 2014. Friday: 5 to 10pm, Saturday: 12 to 5pm
48) MOWA (FORMERLY MUSEUM OF WISCONSIN ART) AT SAINT JOHN’S ON THE LAKE – (1800 N. Prospect Ave. – 414.272.2022 – wisconsinart.org/mowaonthelake) Fresh Impressions | Contemporary WI Printmakers. Following World War II, Wisconsin developed a national reputation for quality printmaking; more than 60 years later, printmaking is still going strong in the state. Fresh Impressions is a group show featuring many of the best printmakers from around Wisconsin and across the varied types of printmaking. Exhibition runs April 17 through July 16, 2014. Artist Talk: Thursday, April 17 at 7pm. Friday: 5 to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 5pm (Refreshments available)
49) REDLINE MILWAUKEE – (1422 N. 4th St. – 414.491.9088 – redlineartmke.org) Keith Haring / William S. Burroughs. 1988 Apocalypse Series. Haring created the Apocalypse portfolio in collaboration with writer William S. Burroughs. The 20-piece series offers an inside look into Haring’s personal struggle with AIDS. Loaned by Quad/Graphics, supported by the Joseph R. Pabst Fund. Exhibition runs April 17 through July 19, 2014. Friday: 6 to 9pm, Saturday: 10am to 3pm
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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