U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin
Press Release

Senator Baldwin Helps Secure Nearly $35 Million for Critical Transportation Infrastructure Projects

Investment from Baldwin-Supported Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will improve safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers, support good paying jobs, and strengthen our supply chain

By - Jun 23rd, 2023 01:40 pm

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin announced that the City of Milwaukee, the City of Kenosha and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will receive nearly $35 million to help complete critical transportation infrastructure projects in southeastern Wisconsin. The projects will receive funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program, which was funded this fiscal year by the Baldwin-supported Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Senator Baldwin also sent letters of support to the U.S. Department of Transportation for Wisconsin projects.

“I voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law because it is updating our crumbling infrastructure to keep Wisconsinites safe, strengthen our supply chain, and create good-paying jobs,” said Senator Baldwin. “I am proud to bring home this funding to southeastern Wisconsin to ensure that drivers, bikers, and walkers can safely get where they need to go and our economy can run smoothly. This investment will make critical improvements to outdated and crumbling infrastructure – and put Wisconsin to work doing it.”

The City of Milwaukee will receive $14.3 million to advance a Complete Streets vision for the Villard Avenue corridor, focusing on safety, connectivity, economic development, and equity.  This project will improve connectivity for multiple modes of transportation, particularly for people who live and work within the project area, those without access to an automobile, and persons with limited mobility. Improvements include raised bike lanes, raised intersections, curb extensions, bus bulbs, lighting and signal improvements, a pedestrian plaza, and other streetscaping enhancements.

“This project is so important for several reasons.  First, Milwaukee is dedicated to improving bicycling in our city. This grant advances the goal of increasing transportation options and improving the wellbeing of bicycle riders. All roadway users will benefit, too, because traffic will be calmed and reckless driving reduced,” Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson said. “I greatly appreciate the work of Senator Baldwin and President Biden’s administration to make this project a reality.”

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation will receive $15 million to construct a Rehabilitation Project to improve safety and operations along the I-41 Freeway from Burleigh Street to Silver Spring Drive in Milwaukee County, one of the busiest freeway sections in Wisconsin. The project will improve multiple bridges, apply high friction surface treatments, build noise barriers in designated areas, install and replace stormwater and sewer drainage structures, add guardrails, and add new Dynamic Message Signs.

“With this federal support, not only will we be able to modernize infrastructure, reduce congestion and improve safety along this busy southeast Wisconsin corridor, but we’re able to improve the quality of life for residents living near the freeway by constructing new noise barriers,” Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson said. “This investment would not have been possible without substantial community support and partnerships between all levels of government and we’re pleased to be a part of it.”

The City of Kenosha will receive $5.5 million to design and construct an extension to the Kenosha County Bicycle Trail from 35th Street to 52nd Street, including two bridges to cross arterial streets.

“We are grateful to have been selected for the RAISE grant for the extension of the Kenosha bike trail. The opportunity this will provide to walk and bike on a multi-use path will increase mobility, connectivity, and safety and improve health and quality of life for our residents.” Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian said.  

Senator Baldwin’s letter of support for the City of Milwaukee’s application can be found here.

Senator Baldwin’s letter of support for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s application can be found here.

An online version of this release is available here.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. Dmshrout says:

    Senator Tammy Baldwin once again proves why she is the best and brightest U.S. Senator of Wisconsin. Baldwin has a stellar track record of making good things happen for her constituents. Thank you Senator Baldwin!

  2. robertm60a3 says:

    I support the efforts of the Senator to bring federal dollars to Wisconsin and I support efforts to allow bikes to safely move about the city. However, I wonder if Senator Balwin is the reason or if the money is coming due to the normal sharing of federal funds.

    I do question Senator Baldwin’s efforts (and Senator Johnson also does little) to hold those that fail us at the federal level accountable. Where was Senator Baldwin in question those that failed the US Navy – Goggle “Fat Leonard.” Where was Senator Baldwin in holding those that failed the US and Afghanistan? Look at Colonel Normert Vergez and Brigadier General Joseph M. Reheiser both are receiving full retirement. Senator Baldwin even voted to confirm Mr Lowman as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment – promoting him. Really, promote Mr Lowman after his failure in Afghanistan?

    There is a real cost when you consider the lack of Congressional oversight – holding individuals accountable. Billions are spent on national defense – when over 1000 die in Wisconsin due to drug overdoses. We’re falling behind in math, reading, and writing – and other countries are moving ahead. What are our Senators doing?

    Taking credit for federal money coming to Wisconsin is interesting. Demanding answers and holding those that fail at the federal level would be better.

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