State Sen. Lena Taylor
Press Release

Sen. Taylor calls on Walker to clarify his position on racist confederate battle flag

Walker’s flexible position on racism includes signing a bill that makes it easier for public schools to depict offensive mascots.

By - Jun 23rd, 2015 12:56 pm

(MADISON) – Today, State Senator Lena C. Taylor (D-Milwaukee) called on Governor Scott Walker to clarify his stance on southern states flying the confederate battle flag, a flag that was later embraced by the Ku Klux Klan.

In 2000, then State Representative Scott Walker voted for a resolution calling on South Carolina to “immediately stop flying the confederate flag in an official capacity.” The resolution later added Mississippi and Georgia to the list, a move Walker also supported. Yet, after nine people were murdered at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina last week, Walker claimed placement of the flag on the capitol grounds was a “state issue.”

“This issue is pretty clear. Just like the swastika is offensive to Jewish people, the Confederate battle flag that represents slavery flies in the face of all that America stands for, and it should fly no more,” said Sen. Lena Taylor. “This is too important to deliver mixed messages about. Slavery is abhorrent and so is a flag that symbolizes slavery.”

After recently calling it a state issue, Walker later praised South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley on Twitter for her decision to remove the flag from that state’s Capitol building.

“This isn’t an issue just for South Carolina. Black people throughout America are offended by the Confederate battle flag,” said Taylor. “In case Governor Walker has forgotten, he represents a large Black population right here in his home state. Governor Scott Walker should have the integrity that Representative Scott Walker had on this issue, stop pandering to the far right and immediately call for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from all public buildings throughout America.”

Walker’s flexible position on racism includes signing a bill that makes it easier for public schools to depict offensive mascots. Walker even sent a letter to Wisconsin’s Native American tribes justifying the law as “free speech.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release

Recent Press Releases by State Sen. Lena Taylor

Taylor Statement on Off-Duty Officer Shooting

State Senator and Milwaukee Mayoral Candidate Lena Taylor statement


  1. Casey says:

    I’m no fan of Walker but what is the point? How does this effect WI? Senator Taylor could be using her time and resources in a better way to represent her district.
    I also think the flying a rebel flag over a government building disrespectful but hardly racist when you can go into probably half of the “black” bars in the deep south and they’ll be representing the stars and bars. Blows my mind but somehow they find some pride in it.

  2. Paul says:

    It seems both Bill and Hillary Clinton used the Confederate flag in their campaigns for president as recently as 2008, has Lena asked Hillary to clarify her position on this?

  3. PMD says:

    Did you take your flag down Paul or is it still flying proudly?

  4. PMD says:

    Also you accuse me of always changing the subject but that’s exactly what you’re doing here.

  5. Alene Bidwell says:

    Walker did make his position clear. He’s leading from behind and agreeing with whatever Nikki Haley decides to do. Other than that, he really wants nothing to do with the subject. That is his position. If he runs and is in a debate and the question is asked, then maybe you will get the answer you are looking for, but I somehow doubt it. Mr. Wannabe Ronnie Reagan and “I was the first Tea Party in Wisconsin,” is still just as evasive as always. That will never change.

  6. Paul says:

    PMD, Yes my flag is still proudly flying and has been every day since 9/11, are you going to be going after my American flag next.

  7. PMD says:

    Why did you start flying a Confederate flag after 9/11?

  8. Paul says:

    PMD, like ken said a few days back, let the other person be the baffoon, and you make this so easy

  9. PMD says:

    Hey you’re the one who asked if I’m coming for your American flag next, implying that I already came for your Confederate flag. Don’t blame me if your basic communication skills are lacking.

  10. Casey says:

    To Paul’s defense PMD never specified which flag Paul was still flying.
    So Paul let’s clear the air. As a Notherner (assuming) how do you view the stars and bars?

  11. Casey says:

    This got me thinking….are State and Local goverments protected by the 1st amendment?

  12. Paul says:

    Casey, I personally do not fly the Confederate flag and never have had one, the history of that flag is not what the media is telling you that it is. Looking up the true meaning of that flag and also what the civil war was actually fought about, it will open your eyes if you’re willing to let it. PMD, if you can understand simple English, my statement implies that you came after the flags of others and now I’m wondering about my American flag.

  13. Tim says:

    What was the Civil War actually fought about?

  14. PMD says:

    Are you a history teacher Paul? What was the Civil War actually fought about? Please share some sources.

    I did not come after anyone’s flag.

  15. John says:

    Thanks PMD. I got pissed reading his statement but you quickly responded. Kind of funny people like him continue to post that piece of re-written history. I think it makes people feel better about our nation’s horrible history.

    But any googling will take you to excerpts from many of the Southern State’s secession declarations and the majority of them reference protecting their right to Slavery in the opening paragraphs. These have exploded all over the internet in light of the tragedy.

  16. Tim says:

    PMD, you’re very charitable in calling that a myth. It’s a damn lie if I ever saw one.

  17. PMD says:

    Paul where is the history lesson? Why did you get so quiet here?

  18. Paul says:

    PMD, you do know how to use Goggle don’t you.

  19. PMD says:

    If you know the true history Paul, you’d be able to talk about it without resorting to “just Google it.” When you tell other people to Google something when asked for sources or evidence, you have officially lost the argument.

  20. Paul says:

    PMD, When you are afraid to search for answers and just accept the one that you think is right, YOU have officially lost the argument.

  21. PMD says:

    I am not afraid of anything. You claim to know the true history of the Civil War. If you in fact KNOW something, how can you possibly be unable to share it when asked? That makes no sense. No one can say they know something, and then refuse to answer when asked to share what they know, and expect to be taken seriously. I am not a historian, nor was I alive during the Civil War, so please enlighten me since you say you know the history. Or at least tell me what to Google. It’s a big subject.

  22. Kyle says:

    I don’t particularly like taking Paul’s side in things, but Farrakhan is calling for tearing the American flag down.

    On the flip side, as I’ve pointed out before, Google actually tailors the results to the searcher. So PMD and Paul could get completely different sources when searching for “Civil War”. That’s why it’s so helpful to provide a link to a source that makes your point, rather that just telling someone to Google it.

  23. PMD says:

    But he probably won’t try to tear Paul’s American flag down. Paul’s flag is safe and sound.

  24. Tim says:

    Kyle, I don’t actually understand why it matters that Farrakhan is calling for tearing down the American flag. Can you explain? Dylann Roof called for a race war, is that your idea of left wing & right wing ideas? Are those things somehow proportionate?

    Anyway, back to Paul & his lies. President Lincoln had a firm grasp of what happened, when it happened:

    “you have a specific and well-understood allusion to an assumed Constitutional right of yours, to take slaves into the federal territories, and to hold them there as property. But no such right is specifically written in the Constitution. That instrument is literally silent about any such right. We, on the contrary, deny that such a right has any existence in the Constitution, even by implication.

    Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events.”

    That last part seems to echo through history, especially as of late.

  25. PMD says:

    Paul is busy finding sources and putting together his history lesson. It’ll be posted any minute now…..

  26. PMD says:

    I like to read The Atlantic on occasion, and when I went to the site today, well look at what I found, a story about what the Civil War was really about. Sample quote:

    “I’ve never heard of any other cause than slavery,” wrote Confederate commander John S. Mosby.

    Your turn Paul. I’m still waiting.

  27. Paul says:

    The south wanted secession for state rights, the north wanted to keep the union together because of the money the south brought in. So actually the north went to war for other reasons than slavery.

  28. John says:

    The south fired the first shots of the Civil War. They also stated time after time that they were going to war to preserve slavery.

    Paul, no one here believes your claptrap. What’s next, you start telling us that ISIS is rolling through Iraq beheading men and enslaving women in their drive for national term limits and oil revenue sharing with local provinces?

    You are a traitor to the Constitution and defender of slaving filth.

  29. Jeremy says:

    If we erase everything about the Civil War, does that mean slavery was actually not abolished?

  30. Casey says:

    Pauls I agree with you. The north wanted to maintain the Union and the south wanted to preserve their individual states’ rights. What right did they fight and die for and whatflag did the die under to preserve the right?
    Why was the stars and bars removed from the south after the war but began to be flown again above government buildings during the civil rights movement?

  31. Paul says:

    Casey the south fought because of government overreach into states rights, one of which was slavery. The confederate flag they are trying to ban today was a battle flag and not the official flag of the confederate states. You’ll have to ask the Dixiecrats why they brought that symbol back in 1948.

  32. PMD says:

    Paul, you are flat-out wrong and do not know your history. The south did not fight over states rights. That is a myth.

    “Five myths about the South’s secession from the Union”

    1. The South seceded over states’ rights.

    Confederate states did claim the right to secede, but no state claimed to be seceding for that right. In fact, Confederates opposed states’ rights — that is, the right of Northern states not to support slavery.

  33. Casey says:

    Ah yes….Dixiecrats another reason never to trust the democratic party and lets not forget the “Southern Strategy” of the 70’s to give us a reason never to trust the republican party.

  34. Paul says:

    PMD, the right to govern their own state, they were never trying to force slavery to northern states

  35. PMD says:

    I have shared sources that show the Civil War was about slavery and not states rights. I am still waiting for you to do the same.

  36. Paul says:

    Now can we get back to my original question, why did the Clintons both use the confederate flag symbol in their runs for president as late as 2008? Hillary actually spoke against it in 2007 but then had no problem using it a year later

  37. PMD says:

    You are changing the subject Paul.

  38. Paul says:

    PMD, once again, that was my original question then you went and changed the subject and accused me of flying the confederate war flag. Just going back to step one, pointing out that this flag didn’t bother the democrats when it’s used by them.

  39. PMD says:

    They used it because like all politicians they pander for votes. It isn’t rocket science. So please answer my question now. What was the Civil War really about? And share sources please. Thank you.

  40. Casey says:

    Paul- can you provide a link to the Clintons using the flag as late as 2007/2008? I’ve found info about Bill’s 92 run but nothing recent. I think it’s a valid question for any presidential candidate. Even if they do not support it, the use of it shows poor judgement and decision making skills.
    I wonder if Bernie Sanders has ever flown the stars and bars.

  41. Tim says:

    Paul, should slavery be put up to a vote today?

  42. Paul says:

    Casey, a simple search, Hillary Clinton confederate flag eBay should take you there
    Tim, slavery is already illegal and should never be brought back. Human trafficking a form of slavery is a huge problem now and is being fought by the U.S. Attorney and many other agencies.
    PMD, I already answered your question, thanks for admitting the Lena Taylor is a hypocrite

  43. Tim says:

    I just went to ebay & couldn’t find any confederate flag stuff with Hillary. Links or it didn’t happen.

  44. Rich says:

    The Casey, PMD, Tim and Paul pissing match continues, but let’s take a step back to the original press release. Maybe we shouldn’t be giving these issues so much press.

  45. Paul says:

    Tim, I goggled , Hillary Clinton confederate flag merchandise, and it pops right up. EBay may have removed it, not sure but it’s still on goggle

  46. Paul says:

    Kyle, thanks for that link, your comment didn’t show on my phone before my last post And yes having trouble with copy and pasting, looking for a new phone

  47. Tim says:

    They look home made to me, what’s your point? What does the existence of some home made merchandise prove?

  48. PMD says:

    But you are wrong Paul, and I used actual sources to show that you are wrong. You refuse to share a source, meaning you probably know you are wrong. But hey, it’s a good day for America, so let’s focus on what unites us and not on what divides us. Politicians should issue fewer press releases.

  49. Paul says:

    PMD, I was right in calling Lena out as a hypocrite and you even agreed with that. I’d rather see more press releases, so we can see what these politicians actually believe.

  50. PMD says:

    I’m almost positive neither Bill or Hillary Clinton is governor of Wisconsin. Your initial post was changing the subject. And you’re wrong about the real cause of the Civil War, which as you know is what I was referring to in my previous post. You show you agree with me by dodging the issue repeatedly.

  51. Paul says:

    PMD, My initial post was about Lena being a hypocrite, which you later agreed with. Than you changed subjects.

  52. PMD says:

    Have a good weekend and holiday Paul.

  53. Paul says:

    PMD, every day the good Lord gives me is a great day

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