Sen. Ron Johnson Spreads Disinformation Instead of Helping Wisconsin Families
In a weekend of unhinged TV appearances, Johnson doubles down on conspiracy theories and demonizes unemployed Wisconsinites needing help
(WISCONSIN) — In the middle of a pandemic that has been exacerbated by Republican inaction, Sen. Ron Johnson has weaponized his leadership position in the Senate to spread conspiracy theories rather than pass legislation to help his own constituents. Ron Johnson’s indifference to the plight of Wisconsin families was on full display this weekend as he called increased federal unemployment assistance a “perverse incentive” and chose instead to fixate on obscure conspiracy theories and cover up for his own conflicts of interest, including not denying that he accepted information from foreign sources in his Homeland Security Committee investigation.
Families across the Badger state are suffering financially and medically because the GOP — from the White House to the Legislature — has failed to take the virus seriously. Additionally, Sen. Johnson is using his position as Chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee to run political errands for Donald Trump, and is so out of touch with Wisconsinites, that he does not understand why workers would need unemployment insurance to take care of their families. Our country and our workers cannot recover under this lack of leadership
See coverage below:
Sen. Johnson Called Additional $600 In Federal Unemployment Assistance A “Perverse Incentive To Keep People Out Of The Economy.” SEN. JOHNSON: […] “And we wanted to help, but in the CARES package, we passed a two $600 plus up, which – depending on which study you look at – either 68 percent or 5 out of 6 individuals, according to CBO, are making more unemployment than they made actually on their job. Now, that’s a perverse incentive to keep people out of the economy and we need workers coming back into the economy as safely as possible so we can start creating the opportunity and start recovering from this COVID recession. So, I think we want to help people financially but we have to do it at an appropriate level so people aren’t incentivized to stay on unemployment and are actually incentivized to get back in the workforce.” [UpFront, WISN, 8/2/20]
Sen. Johnson Did Not Deny Accepting Information From “Pro-Russia Ukrainians” And Said “We Are Getting Information From A Variety Of Sources.” ADRIENNE PEDERSEN: “So Senator, I just want to be clear — are you saying that you do not get information from pro-Russia Ukrainians or disinformation?” SEN. JOHNSON: “We, we have not – what we are accused of is getting those audiotapes. We did not get those audiotapes. Okay?” ADRIENNE PEDERSEN: “But what about other things?” SEN. JOHNSON: “Again, we are getting information from a variety of sources. But primarily, U.S. –” ADRIENNE PEDERSEN: “And how do you verify that information?” SEN. JOHNSON: “Well, before we ever use it, we verify and make sure that it’s accurate and true before we ever publish anything.” [UpFront, WISN, 8/2/20]
Sen. Johnson Suggested The Trump Administration Did Not Actually Control The State Department: “How Many People In The State Department Do You Think Voted For Hillary Clinton Vs. Voted For President Trump?” SEN. JOHNSON: “One of our problems is obtaining documents from these agencies. And, Maria, understand, I mean, I will posit this question to you. How many people in the State Department do you think voted for Hillary Clinton vs. voted for President Trump? I can’t tell you my frustration how difficult it is getting information out of agencies that are supposedly controlled by this administration, but simply aren’t.” [Sunday Morning Futures, Fox News, 8/2/20]
Sen. Johnson Claimed There Was “Corruption At The Highest Levels Of, Certainly, The FBI” In An Effort To “Exonerate Hillary Clinton” That Shifted After The Election To “Sabotaging The Trump Administration.” BARTIROMO: “Senator, this is the first time we have heard from the Obama administration. She said it doesn’t work that way.” SEN. JOHNSON: “Well, you will notice she didn’t answer your question. She just talked about, in general, what the process should be. That’s not the process they followed. It is very clear that there was corruption at the highest levels of, certainly, the FBI. We have evidence of it. I’m looking forward to John Durham wrapping up his investigation. I personally believe that the intelligence community was involved in this thing. Their initial goal was to exonerate Hillary Clinton, when — so that she could win the election. When she lost the election, their goals shifted to first — first and foremost, I think, sabotaging the Trump administration, which they have done a pretty good job of, also, I think initiating this diversionary operation, the smokescreen to cover up their wrongdoing.” [Sunday Morning Futures, Fox News, 8/2/20]
Sen. Johnson On When The Next COVID Relief Package Would Pass: “Not Anytime Soon.” ADRIENNE PEDERSEN: “Are you saying you don’t think there will be another coronavirus relief package?” SENATOR JOHNSON: “Not anytime soon.” [UpFront, WISN, 8/2/20]
Sen. Johnson On His Decision Not To Hold Cash And Not Invest In The Stock Market: “I Have Lost Huge Sums Of Money By Staying In Cash And Staying Out Of The Market By And Large.” SEN. JOHNSON: […] “What I did for marketable securities, I did one better than a blind trust. I converted it all to cash. There’s no conflict of interest in cash, so I have just been sitting on cash for most of my assets outside my ownership in my, in the company that I started. And as a result, I lost – I didn’t participate in more than a doubling of the stock market during my first six or seven or eight years in Congress. And more recently, when I did sell my five percent ownership stake in an equity, private equity sale that took over two years to do, rather than reinvest that in the stock market when I knew I could have made a lot of money because I figured the stock market would snap back, I just kept in cash because I didn’t want anybody complaining about the fact that I was taking advantage of the economic situation. So, I have lost huge sums of money by staying in cash and staying out of the market by and large.” [UpFront, WISN, 8/2/20]
Sen. Johnson On Reports That Russians Paid The Taliban Bounties To Kill U.S. Troops: “Listen, Serving In Afghanistan Is Dangerous.” ADRIENNE PEDERSEN: “I want to ask you about the Russian bounties — President Trump dismissed reports that Russia has been paying the Taliban bounties to kill Americans in Afghanistan. And he also said in a recent interview that he hasn’t not talked about that too President Vladimir Putin. Do you think you should be asking about that?” SEN. JOHNSON: “Well again, I’m not sure the last time he spoke with Vadimir Putin.” ADRIENNE PEDERSEN: “He says he’s talked with him eight times and has not asked about it.” SEN. JOHNSON: “I’m not shocked by the reports, as I would not be shocked by reports that Iran could be paying. Listen, serving in Afghanistan is dangerous and there is no doubt about the fact that there are reports of that in intelligence briefings, but there are unverified reports. There was actually, you know, possibly disagreements because it was an analyst report as opposed to hard information. I can’t talk about a whole lot of it because a lot of it is classified.” [UpFront, WISN, 8/2/20]
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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Next the Senator will be asking who stole his strawberries. It will be time for the voters to relieve him of his duties when his next election rolls around.