Rep. Jonathan Brostoff
Press Release

Rep. Brostoff: Statement on the Senate Passage of Right to Exploit

"I am disappointed in the Republican Senators who voted in favor of this attack on the middle class."

By - Feb 26th, 2015 08:26 am

MADISON – Representative Jonathan Brostoff (D-Milwaukee) issued a statement today in response to the Senate passing SB 44.

“I am disappointed in the Republican Senators who voted in favor of this attack on the middle class. They bent to pressure from the Koch Brothers and ALEC with this shameless distraction from the budget disaster they created.

This legislation has nothing to do with creating jobs. Numerous studies show Right to Exploit does not make a state more competitive despite leading to lower wages. Between 2013 and 2014 Wisconsin employers created 10,000 new manufacturing jobs, more than 21 of the 24 Right to Exploit states, Wisconsin is ranked 5th in the nation for manufacturing job growth.

For the second time in four years the Koch Brothers and ALEC are making history in Wisconsin by attacking the rights of Wisconsin workers. Walker is running for the Republican presidential primary, but my Democratic colleagues and I are still here for Wisconsin and we will fight this when it comes to our chamber.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. Gary says:

    THANK YOU for calling that legislation exactly what it is.
    I wonder how many legislators in any state or branch of government are the children or grandchildren of union workers who had decent lives, decent homes, and dumped decent savings into their children’s education because of their union jobs.

  2. Carol Limbach says:

    Rep. Jonothan Brostoff calls out Republicans who threw workers to the wolves. They took the A.L.E.C. oath which violated their ‘Oath of Office’. Out with these Koch Suckers!

  3. Gary says:

    Carol, I agree with you 1000% percent.
    It appears that the Urban Milwaukee webmaster may have applied some sort of censorship to this and other similar political postings on Feb. 27th or 28th? At least, it’s clear this and similar threads are not rotating through their hi-lite banners.
    Sorry Rep. Brostoff!

  4. Dave Reid says:

    @Gary We did what? We get press releases out as fast as well, I, generally can.

  5. Kyle says:

    Gary, I could be wrong, but I can’t ever recall a Press Release making that rotating banner. No matter who releases it.

  6. Gary says:

    Mea culpa … I’m referring to _finding_ the press releases.

    I generally use a iPad (mini) to access UrbanMilwaukee, and
    1.) the scroll boxes that appear on the right hand side of the page are not all functioning: the “Press Release” scroll box the “Recent Comments” boxes do not scroll as the other 2 scroll boxes; and
    2.) they do not include a link to the archive of press releases.

    I just checked it again to confirm.

    Rep. Brostoff’s press release titled “Statement on the Senate Passage of Right to Exploit” (Feb 26th, 2015) remains current as the issue itself remains current. The successful misbranding of this issue by conservatives is typical and their misbranding is typically ignored.
    I guess our representatives in Madison need to use the same technique that local Pols use to change a short-lived press release into something classified as an article or story to generate a longer shelf life window.


  7. AG says:

    Gary, how can you hold UrbanMilwaukee accountable for your own user error? Besides, this seems like a pretty worthless press release to get worked up about anyway…

  8. Dave Reid says:

    @Gary No doubt we need to update the code for those scroll boxes as they don’t work the best on tablets. That said just this week I made the “Press Release” header a link into the press release archive. Not very pretty, yet, but you can go back and see all the press releases we’ve ever published. We are constantly adding to this archive both with new ones as they come in and older releases for historical purposes. But generally we get them out as I have time.

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