Virtual CWD Response Plan Review Committee Meeting Nov. 18
City of Milwaukee Weekly COVID-19 Update
DNR Seeking Public Comment For Environmental Review Of Village Of Whitefish Bay Safe Drinking Water Loan Program Project
Public input opportunities on tap for City’s redistricting plan
Gov. Evers Authorizes Wisconsin National Guard to Support Local Partners in Kenosha
Gov. Evers Orders Flags to Half-Staff in Honor of Lt. Col. John A. Palese Jr.
Wisconsin’s Credit Unions Report Solid Third-Quarter Financial Performance
AG Kaul Urges Congress to Reform Military Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors
Gov. Evers Grants 29 Pardons, Brings Total Pardons Granted to 307
Rep. Bowen’s Statement on Gerrymandered Republican Maps: Same Poop in a New Toilet
Rep. Bowen’s Statement on Gerrymandered Republican Maps

Same Poop in a New Toilet

Bowen highlights the struggle for progress in a State where Republicans refuse to value anything above power and control.

Expressing Disappointment in Rep. Ortiz-Velez for Carrying Water for Republican Speaker Robin Vos at the Expense of Our Constituents
Rep. Robyn Vining Votes Against Gerrymandered Maps, Supports Fair Maps