
Gov. Evers Announces Plan to Join U.S. Climate Alliance

Gov. Evers Announces Plan to Join U.S. Climate Alliance

"By joining the U.S. Climate Alliance, we will have support in demonstrating that we can take climate action while growing our economy at the same time."

Wisconsin Must Stop the Bleeding

Wisconsin Must Stop the Bleeding

"Republicans are fighting to preserve the same ineffective corporate handouts that has left our state dead last in new business startups."

Sheriffs Endorse Hagedorn for Supreme Court

Sheriffs Endorse Hagedorn for Supreme Court

"The strong support our campaign is receiving from law enforcement professionals is a reflection of my commitment to protecting the public and upholding the rule of law."

State’s Leading Voice for Oral Health Encourages More Collaboration with Wisconsin’s Dental Professionals to Truly Increase Access to Care

State’s Leading Voice for Oral Health Encourages More Collaboration with Wisconsin’s Dental Professionals to Truly Increase Access to Care

"Despite consistent claims by advocates for dental therapy that this proposal is revenue-neutral and comes at no cost to taxpayers, the Governor is now proposing directly subsidizing the creation of a dental therapy program."

Robin Vos Giving $500 an Hour Lawyers a Blank Check to Defend His Scheme to Rig the Rules for Foxconn

Robin Vos Giving $500 an Hour Lawyers a Blank Check to Defend His Scheme to Rig the Rules for Foxconn

‘The Only Thing Wisconsin Taxpayers are Getting Out of These Republican Deals is Being Stuck With the Bill’

Rep. Spreitzer, Sen. Ringhand Propose Lame Duck Limits

Rep. Spreitzer, Sen. Ringhand Propose Lame Duck Limits

"Less than one month after the 2018 November elections, a lame duck session fundamentally changed the balance of power in Wisconsin state government."

Milwaukee Area Labor Council MPS Board of Directors Endorsements

Milwaukee Area Labor Council MPS Board of Directors Endorsements

The Milwaukee Area Labor Council has nearly 100 affiliated local unions representing approximately 25,000 workers in the metro Milwaukee area.

Gov. Evers Announces $43 Million Investment to Expand Dental Access

Gov. Evers Announces $43 Million Investment to Expand Dental Access

"Increasing dental access across our state requires a comprehensive approach."

MMSD Commission Approves First of Many Overflow Reduction Projects for 2019

MMSD Commission Approves First of Many Overflow Reduction Projects for 2019

Regional treatment plants and sewers will see the bulk of MMSD’s $92.9 million capital project/program spending in 2019.

WILL Sues DPI For Embargoed ESSA Documents

WILL Sues DPI For Embargoed ESSA Documents

Documents would shine light on whether DPI is illegally implementing ESSA

Joint statement on the death of a Department of Public Works worker

Joint statement on the death of a Department of Public Works worker

From Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman Cavalier Johnson, Alderman Nik Kovac, Alderman Robert J. Bauman, Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Khalif J. Rainey, Alderman Robert Donovan, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Michael J. Murphy, Alderman Mark A. Borkowski, Alderman Jóse G. Pérez, Alderman Terry L. Witkowski, Alderman Tony Zielinski, and Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II

Robin “Boss” Vos to Wisconsin Middle Class: ‘Pay For Your Own Tax Savings’
Robin “Boss” Vos to Wisconsin Middle Class

‘Pay For Your Own Tax Savings’

Suggests Cuts to Education, Health Care and Roads to Fund Middle Class Tax Plan Instead of Asking Millionaires and Billionaires to Pay Their Fair Share