
PPWI Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
Fitzgerald Votes to Hold Garland in Contempt of Congress
Saturday: Food trucks will return to W. Capitol Dr.
Supervisor Bielinski to Introduce Resolution Supporting Milwaukee Public Schools and Advocating for Adequate State Funding
Alderperson Brostoff invites residents to the 2024 Summer Soulstice Music Festival
Milwaukee County Unveils New Website to Provide Operational Updates for Residents During RNC

Milwaukee County Unveils New Website to Provide Operational Updates for Residents During RNC

Residents are encouraged to visit county.milwaukee.gov/RNC2024 to stay informed about Milwaukee County operational impacts during RNC

Statement from Milwaukee County Supervisor Juan Miguel Martinez on Fire Near Mitchell Park Domes
Statement on the passing of Ray Vahey

Statement on the passing of Ray Vahey

Joint Statement from Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa and Alderman Peter Burgelis

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley Signs Bill Adding 27 New Positions to ADRC to Better Serve Older Adults and People with Disabilities
House of History Launches Website to Uplift Black LGBTQ+ Stories
Statement on the passing of José Olivieri

Statement on the passing of José Olivieri

Statement on the passing of José Olivieri

Gov. Evers Appoints Matthew Spence as Sheboygan County Sheriff