Alderman Cavalier Johnson welcomes Milwaukee County Sheriff partnership

Alderman Cavalier Johnson welcomes Milwaukee County Sheriff partnership

All too often, many of my constituents feel as if they cannot even go about their day due to rampant reckless driving in our community.

GOP Passes $76 Billion Betrayal of our Values

GOP Passes $76 Billion Betrayal of our Values

The following is a statement from Senator Chris Larson regarding the Senate passage of the defenseless 2017-19 state budget

Sen.Taylor on Budget Passage: “It’s Shameful”
Sen.Taylor on Budget Passage

“It’s Shameful”

In response to today’s budget passage, Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement

Ringhand Statement on State Budget

Ringhand Statement on State Budget

State Senator Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) released the following statement in response to the Senate’s passage of a state budget

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Senate Passage of State Budget

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Senate Passage of State Budget

Wisconsin State Senator LaTonya Johnson (D – Milwaukee) made the following statement regarding passage of the 2017-2019 state budget by the Wisconsin State Senate

Democrats Call for Campaign Integrity to be Restored in State Budget

Democrats Call for Campaign Integrity to be Restored in State Budget

The following is a statement from Senator Chris Larson regarding the Senate GOP rejecting a common sense Campaign Integrity amendment to the 2017-19 state budget.

AFP – WI Praises Governor Walker, Senate Conservatives for Improving State Budget

AFP – WI Praises Governor Walker, Senate Conservatives for Improving State Budget

Walker pledges to veto shady PFA power grab targeted by AFP activists

Governor Walker Releases Statement on Senate Passage of State Budget

Governor Walker Releases Statement on Senate Passage of State Budget

"Thank you to the members of the State Senate for approving our budget that will put more actual dollars into K-12 education than ever before"

Fundraiser for Grassroots North Shore Features Satirist Will Durst

Fundraiser for Grassroots North Shore Features Satirist Will Durst

This year's annual fundraiser for Grassroots North Shore features Milwaukee native and nationally renowned political satirist Will Durst.

Chinese Lantern Festival Opening at County’s Boerner Botanical Gardens, Sept. 22

Chinese Lantern Festival Opening at County’s Boerner Botanical Gardens, Sept. 22

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele announced today that the world-class Chinese lantern festival, China Lights: The Magic Returns, will open to the public Sept. 22 at Boerner Botanical Gardens.

Governor Walker Wraps Up Trade Mission to Japan, South Korea

Governor Walker Wraps Up Trade Mission to Japan, South Korea

Governor, Wisconsin delegation meet with 200-plus leaders during trip; agreements signed to forge new partnerships with South Korean companies

Trump Administration Slashes Navigator Funding for Wisconsin

Trump Administration Slashes Navigator Funding for Wisconsin

Sabotage of health care market in rural Wisconsin