Pocan Celebrates Approval of $18 Million in Wisconsin Infrastructure Investment
Joint Committee on Finance Supports Funding of New Museum in Capital Budget
June at Lynden
Marquette senior director honored with Excellence in University Service Award
Long term lane closures begin next week as a part of Zoo IC North Leg

Long term lane closures begin next week as a part of Zoo IC North Leg

Lane closures will impact northbound and southbound traffic

Lindsey Harness, Ph.D., Appointed Director of the  Alverno College Research Center for Women and Girls
Milwaukee County woman pleads guilty to theft, business identity theft, filing false income tax returns
Rep. Brostoff Statement on Introduction of LRB-3297

Rep. Brostoff Statement on Introduction of LRB-3297

“I Don’t Even Know Where to Begin With This Terrible Bill”

Wisconsin Re-Launches “You Stop the Spread” Multimedia Campaign

Wisconsin Re-Launches “You Stop the Spread” Multimedia Campaign

Encourages People to Get Vaccinated to Protect Themselves and Their Communities from COVID-19

UW System President Thompson statement on budget lapse elimination
Rep. Hintz: Statement on Wisconsin’s Continued Recovery
Senator Bradley: Surplus shouldn’t be spent to grow government