State Health Agency Finds Cases of Adult and Congenital Syphilis Spiking in Wisconsin

State Health Agency Finds Cases of Adult and Congenital Syphilis Spiking in Wisconsin

Pregnant people in six Wisconsin counties should be screened for syphilis at least twice during pregnancy

Great Ideas rewarded in WEDC’s inaugural Downtown Pitch Contest

Great Ideas rewarded in WEDC’s inaugural Downtown Pitch Contest

Winner receives $10,000 to make their idea a reality, 12 regional finalists recognized

County Executive David Crowley Statement Celebrating Juneteenth Holiday
Home 2021: World Refugee Day Celebration, June 20
Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order Raising Juneteenth Flag at State Capitol for Second Year in a Row
Gov. Evers Announces Wisconsin Awarded $3 Million for Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery Expansion
SHARP Literacy Reaches Record Number Of Students With 2021 Summer Learning Program

SHARP Literacy Reaches Record Number Of Students With 2021 Summer Learning Program

Funding for programs provided by American Family Insurance, Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club and Brewers Community Foundation.

Health Commissioner Johnson Statement on Lead Case
UW System President Tommy Thompson statement on pay plan
Enough is enough with MHD lead program mistakes

Enough is enough with MHD lead program mistakes

Joint statement from members of the Milwaukee Common Council: Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic, Alderman Cavalier Johnson, Alderman José G. Pérez, and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa

WisGOP Statement on Legislature Republicans’ Tax Cut
Juneteenth pageant winners announced in advance of community celebration