State Sen. Jennifer Shilling
Press Release

Gov. Walker signs bills limiting birth control access

38 Democratic legislators including Sen. Shilling had urged Gov.Walker to veto these bills.

By - Feb 18th, 2016 01:59 pm

MADISON – After Gov. Walker signed two bills targeting Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin’s federal funding and limiting access to birth control, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement:

“I am deeply disappointed in Gov. Walker’s decision to attack Planned Parenthood and community health centers across Wisconsin. Rather than limiting preventive care services, cancer screenings and birth control, we should be expanding access to health care and working to grow our middle class. I continue to support the dedicated health care providers and patient advocates at Planned Parenthood centers across our state who provide vital care and counselling to thousands of hardworking men and women.”

38 Democratic legislators including Sen. Shilling had urged Gov.Walker to veto these bills. You can read a copy of that letter here.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. JR Hayslett says:

    Are these Republicans so pro-abortion that they want to guarantee that more women and teens will seek ways to terminate unwanted, life-devastating pregnancies? If they truly oppose pregnancy termination, seems to me they would encourage and provide public funds for pregnancy prevention.

  2. Alene says:

    JR: They are anti-abortion and oppose pregnancy termination at any stage. They believe you should abstain from sex outside of marriage. Like that’s going to happen anytime soon. And, when you have sex inside of marriage, they don’t care if you have 2, 6, 12, etc., children. Rich or poor, they simply don’t care. They want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood because they continue to promote the lie that Federal funds are used for abortions. They are not. The only funds used for abortions are donated funds. But, when did they ever let facts stand in their way. What they are promoting by doing this is increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies, thus increasing the number of abortions, and increasing the number of STDs through unprotected sex. Dumb and dumber pretty much sums up their viewpoint on all of this. Sometimes you just can’t help “stupid.”

  3. AG says:

    JR Hayslett, despite what you were told, no one is blocked from access to birth control or even having it paid for by medicaid. The reduction on the reimbursement only brings the reimbursement in line with other healthcare providers reimbursement rates. There’s no reason these provides should receive reimbursement rates several times that of others.

  4. Vincent Hanna says:

    What happened when Texas defunded Planned Parenthood? Women Have More Babies & Receive Less Birth Control. This is according to the New England Journal of Medicine by the way, which has a pretty solid reputation as far as I know.

  5. AG says:

    Vincent, Texas removed PP from their fee for services program, that is not what WI is doing. Regarding birth control, all it does it make sure the medicaid reinbursement is in line with other healthcare providers. Again, no reason for much higher reimbursement rates for one healthcare provider vs another.

    So birth control is still paid for by the state.

  6. AG says:

    Hm, well if you look at the actual report… it shows only a difference in LARC methods, not the pill. They saw no significant different in the use of the pill when they completely cut funding to planned parenthood. So not only did they do something more extreme than WI, but the effects in that report (paid for by the Buffet foundation) are shown to only affect a type of birth control not even covered by WI’s birth control bill.

    Not to mention the fact that relevant births went up a whopping 37 in a year and half.

  7. Vincent Hanna says:

    I used this as an example of something to avoid. Fewer and fewer poor women with limited access to birth control and more unwanted pregnancies are where we are headed and it’s not good. Not sure why those are goals of the state GOP and Walker.

  8. AG says:

    Limiting access to birth control and more unwanted pregnancies are not a goals of the state GOP…

    Will someone please acknowledge that they understand what I am saying when I state that they are still paying for BC to these providers and all they did was adjust the reimbursement to align with regular heathcare providers??

  9. Vincent Hanna says:

    “Limiting access to birth control and more unwanted pregnancies are not a goals of the state GOP…”

    Keep telling yourself that AG.

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