Lena Taylor serves in the Wisconsin State Senate.

Content referencing Lena Taylor - Page 6

Governor Doyle Vetoes Milwaukee County Sales Tax for Transit

Governor Doyle Vetoes Milwaukee County Sales Tax for Transit

When the budget finally made it to his desk, Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle used his extensive veto powers in a lot of ways. The most significant of which was arguably the line-item veto of the Milwaukee Transit Authority and the proposed 0.65% sales tax increase for Milwaukee County. Doyle did not veto SERTA, the authority which is to run the KRM commuter rail line, and the $18 rental car tax. This veto puts back on the drawing board Doyle's proposal for a three-county sales tax to fund the KRM and bus service in Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee Counties, while at the same time not delaying the KRM development process.

KRM and RTA Update

KRM and RTA Update

The Wisconsin state budget is now at a point where it will go to a conference committee after the Senate approved their version of the budget yesterday. The conference committee will reconcile the difference between the Assembly and Senate versions, and send the budget off to Governor Doyle. Doyle will then use his line-item veto power on certain language he doesn't like, and Wisconsin have a budget.

Breaking News: RTA Passes Joint Finance Committee
Breaking News

RTA Passes Joint Finance Committee

The Regional Transit Authority passed the Joint Finance Committee this morning at 2:17 a.m., but not in a very regional way.

Make a Difference, Help the RTA

Make a Difference, Help the RTA

The Regional Transit Authority, a solution to Milwaukee’s transit woes that we’ve advocated before, is coming down to the wire in the halls of the state capitol.  For the plan to move forward it needs to be included in the state budget, and for that to happen it needs to be approved by the Joint Finance Committee.  The Joint Finance Committee will vote on the matter on Thursday. The matter is anything but a done deal, and your support is turning a few votes. Please make a call Wednesday if you have the chance.  Even if it’s just a one second “vote for the RTA on Thursday”, it’ll make a difference. Please call, your city needs you. Senator John Lehman (Racine) especially needs to hear from you! (608) 266-1832 (866) 615-7510, Fax (608) 267-6793, Sen.Lehman@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 7882, Madison, 53707 Representative Cory Mason (Racine) (608) 266-0634, Rep.Mason@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 8953, Madison, 53708 Representative Robin Vos (Racine) 888 534-0063, 608 282-3663 fax, rep.vos@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 8953, Madison, 53708 Representative Pedro Colon (Milwaukee) 888 534-0008, 608 282-3608 fax, rep.colon@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 8952, Madison, 53708 Representative Tamara Grigsby (Milwaukee) 888 534-0018, 608 282-3618 fax, rep.grigsby@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 8952, Madison, 53708 Senator Lena Taylor (Milwaukee) 608 266-5810, 608 267-2353 fax, sen.taylor@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 7882, Madison, 53707 Senator Alberta Darling (Milwaukee) 608 266-5830, 608 267-0588 fax, sen.darling@legis.wisconsin.gov PO Box 7882, Madison, 53707 [Full disclosure, Jeramey is a member of the RTA Steering Committee and a passionate advocate for the efficiencies of mass transit.]

The Roundup: Buffett Tour on Hold
The Roundup

Buffett Tour on Hold

“Spirit – The Seventh Fire” has been put on hiatus.

The Roundup: Crisses Averted
The Roundup

Crisses Averted

Barrett and Walker Announce Plan for Ballots in Milwaukee

The Roundup: Drink for Free
The Roundup

Drink for Free

One of the joys of electoral politics is that the polls eventually close on election day and then it is up to us to flock to the parties.

The Roundup: Morales V Darling Race Set
The Roundup

Morales V Darling Race Set

Milwaukee School Board member Jennifer Morales has decided to challenge Alberta Darling and her hold on the 8th Senate District Seat.

The Roundup: The Governor and the Empire Builder
The Roundup

The Governor and the Empire Builder


The Roundup: Lautenschlager’s Fast Ones – Past Speeding Tickets Raise Residency Issues
The Roundup

Lautenschlager’s Fast Ones – Past Speeding Tickets Raise Residency Issues

Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager exploits a legal loophole.

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