Content referencing Jeffrey D. Kmiec

Theater: ‘The Children’ Is Provocative Theater

‘The Children’ Is Provocative Theater

A play both topical and futuristic asks tough questions in Next Act staging with strong acting.

Theater: Renaissance’s ‘The Moors’ Is a ‘Excellent Menagerie’

Renaissance’s ‘The Moors’ Is a ‘Excellent Menagerie’

This is not theater for everyone, but it is good theater that upends theater norms.

Theater: ‘The Treasurer’ a Darkly Funny Family Play

‘The Treasurer’ a Darkly Funny Family Play

Next Act production captures complications of caretaker son dealing with controlling mother's dementia.

Theater: ‘Tidy’ Is An Environmental Puzzle

‘Tidy’ Is An Environmental Puzzle

Audience must figure out what is real in new one-woman play with neat technical effects staged by Renaissance Theaterworks.