Janis Ringhand (Dem.), 15th Senate District
Born Madison, February 13, 1950; married; 2 children, 5 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild. Graduate Evansville H.S. 1968; Associate Degree Madison Area Tech. Coll. 1985. Full-time legislator. Former accountant for small businesses, executive director of nonprofit. Member: Rock Co. Literacy Connection; Evansville Chamber of Commerce; VFW Auxiliary Post 6905 (pres.); Evansville Energy Independence Team. Former member: Stoughton Hospital Bd. (chp.); Creekside Place, Inc. (bd. of dir.); Evansville Community Partnership (secy.). Evansville City Council 1998-2002, 2008-10. Mayor of Evansville 2002-06.
Elected to Assembly 2010-12; elected to Senate 2014. Minority Caucus Secretary 2013. Biennial Senate committee assignments: 2015 — Economic Development and Commerce; Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues; Building Commission. Assembly committee assignments: 2013 — Government Operations and State Licensing; Small Business Development; Urban and Local Affairs (also 2011); Veterans; Workforce Development. 2011 — Rural Economic Development and Rural Affairs; Veterans and Military Affairs.
Telephone: Office: (608) 266-2253; District: (608) 882-5879.
E-mail: Sen.Ringhand@legis.wisconsin.gov
Voting address: 412 Fowler Circle, Evansville 53536.
Mailing address: Office: Room 22 South, State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882, Madison 53707-7882.