Content referencing Cathy Jess

Governor Walker Appoints Cathy Jess to Serve as Secretary of the Department of Corrections, Thanks Jon Litscher for His Many Years of Service to Wisconsin
Cruel and Unusual: Why Prison Psychologist Quit Waupun
Cruel and Unusual

Why Prison Psychologist Quit Waupun

Cites inhuman treatment of inmates, improper assessments.

Cruel and Unusual: Wisconsin Curbs Solitary Confinement
Cruel and Unusual

Wisconsin Curbs Solitary Confinement

State joins national reform movement, but prisoner advocates say more could be done.

Cruel and Unusual: State Prisons Reducing Use of Solitary Confinement?
Cruel and Unusual

State Prisons Reducing Use of Solitary Confinement?

New policy outlined by state official says prisoner "segregation" not effective for disciplining or rehabilitating inmates.