
Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra recasts “romantic” music

Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra recasts “romantic” music

The MCO transforms romantic music in the emotional expressionism of Schoenberg's Verklärte Nacht and the structured elegance of Respighi's Ancient Airs and Dances

Bullies bested in comedy at Windfall Theatre

Bullies bested in comedy at Windfall Theatre

Light comedy addresses a serious subject in "Nurture's Wonders" - a world premiere with many satisfying twists and turns.

Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra explores transformation

Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra explores transformation

Schoenberg's Romantic Transfigured Night, Rolf Martinsson's tribute to that work, and Respighi's Romanticized Baroque on Sunday's bill.

Walker to propose $1 billion cut to education: MPS would lose up to 25% of its funding
Walker to propose $1 billion cut to education

MPS would lose up to 25% of its funding

MPS School Board President Michael Bonds at Fratney Escuela meeting: school funding to be cut statewide, Federal Title 1 dollars on chopping block.

Jazz piano virtuoso, Adam Makowicz, riffs on Chopin

Jazz piano virtuoso, Adam Makowicz, riffs on Chopin

The Polish Heritage Alliance presents a jazz man once banned in Poland, but now officially honored in his homeland.

On Stage 1/18-24: A big theater weekend, and German music
On Stage 1/18-24

A big theater weekend, and German music

Youngblood Theatre revives an interrupted hit, Hank Williams at the Rep, Big Business at Next Act and Germans at the MSO.

Design in Your Life: Packing up Christmas
Design in Your Life

Packing up Christmas

Christmas by Krebs cares about design. Which is to say: It cares about you.

The Skylight’s Collier and Cobb serve Gershwin & Friends well

The Skylight’s Collier and Cobb serve Gershwin & Friends well

The classic songs wouldn't carry the day without the talented and appealing Cynthia Cobb and Parrish Collier.

On Stage 12/21-27: Santa’s Steamroller
On Stage 12/21-27

Santa’s Steamroller

Mannheim Steamroller, durable and inexplicable, plays its Christmas show at the Milwaukee Theatre; other local holiday shows roll on.

On Stage 12/14-20: “Hostages,” “In a Black Mood.” Merry Xmas.
On Stage 12/14-20

“Hostages,” “In a Black Mood.” Merry Xmas.

Sure, sure, they sound a little grinchy. But even the season's darker shows have their grins, too.

On Stage 11/30-12/6: Ghosts of Christmas Past
On Stage 11/30-12/6

Ghosts of Christmas Past

The MSO, The Rep, Next Act, Bel Canto serve seasonal comfort food.

Present Music’s Special Thanksgiving arrangement

Present Music’s Special Thanksgiving arrangement

How Present Music, Milwaukee Choral Artists and Anonymous 4 arranged for some special music by John Tavener to be heard in Milwaukee.