The State of Politics

The State of Politics: The Capitol’s Biggest Soap Opera?
The State of Politics

The Capitol’s Biggest Soap Opera?

An obscure state agency that could loan money to Bucks arena is beset by squabbling.

The State of Politics: Will Voters End Era of “Shirley’s Court”?
The State of Politics

Will Voters End Era of “Shirley’s Court”?

Shirley Abrahamson has been chief justice for 19 years, but controversial referendum question could end her reign.

The State of Politics: E-Cigarettes Lights Up Capitol Fight
The State of Politics

E-Cigarettes Lights Up Capitol Fight

Should they be taxed like cigarettes, banned from restaurants/bars or protected from local regulations?

The State of Politics: Who Will Lead the Democratic Party?
The State of Politics

Who Will Lead the Democratic Party?

Five candidates seek the difficult job of trying to revive the minority party in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: Budget Could Delay Local Highway Projects
The State of Politics

Budget Could Delay Local Highway Projects

Republican legislators want to reduce borrowing in Walker transportation budget, but this could delay numerous projects.

The State of Politics: Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper
The State of Politics

Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper

After all the controversy, it’s been killed, with barely a word from partisans on either side. Why?

The State of Politics: Stories From the State Capitol
The State of Politics

Stories From the State Capitol

Six vignettes tell the story of how the Senate passed the Right-to-Work bill.

The State of Politics: Legislators Move to Become Lobbyists
The State of Politics

Legislators Move to Become Lobbyists

Revolving door between governing and lobbying wide open, especially for Republicans.

The State of Politics: Capitol Clout Shifts to Republican Lawmakers
The State of Politics

Capitol Clout Shifts to Republican Lawmakers

Given a governor distracted by his run for president, legislators are taking control of budget process.

The State of Politics: Walker’s Budget Borrows Big
The State of Politics

Walker’s Budget Borrows Big

$1.3 bonding for transportation means 23% of taxes for roads will pay interest on bonds by 2016.

The State of Politics: Walker’s Funding Cuts for UW Ignite Firestorm
The State of Politics

Walker’s Funding Cuts for UW Ignite Firestorm

Lawmakers may balk at cuts and at plan to give UW System autonomy from legislature.

The State of Politics: Walker Not Most Polarizing Pol
The State of Politics

Walker Not Most Polarizing Pol

Polls show he is fourth most polarizing among state voters.