Wisconsin Public Radio

Trump Campaign Will Request State Recount

Trump Campaign Will Request State Recount

Past recounts in Wisconsin have changed small number of votes.

Fitzgerald Wins Big, Kind By 3% for Congress

Fitzgerald Wins Big, Kind By 3% for Congress

All incumbents for Congress in state reelected, Fitzgerald replaces Sensenbrenner.

Biden Lead in State Helped by Key Counties

Biden Lead in State Helped by Key Counties

Biden wins 77% of Dane County; Trump margin in Ozaukee, Waukesha counties lower than in 2016.

No Veto-Proof Majority for Republican Legislators

No Veto-Proof Majority for Republican Legislators

They flipped two of three seats needed to get two-thirds majority in Senate.

Trump Courts Kenosha Again

Trump Courts Kenosha Again

The country "is very well united,” he tells large crowd at Kenosha regional airport.

1,850 Communities Counting Ballots

1,850 Communities Counting Ballots

Across state, starting at 7 a.m., including 1.9 million absentee votes. Officials say all votes will be counted.

Hospitalized or Quarantined Can Still Vote

Hospitalized or Quarantined Can Still Vote

Options include finding someone to deliver your ballot or using curbside voting.

Corrections Officials Reveal COVID-19 Deaths

Corrections Officials Reveal COVID-19 Deaths

5 deaths in first such report; 20% of state’s prison inmates have disease.

Biden Brings His Message of Controlling COVID-19 to Milwaukee

Biden Brings His Message of Controlling COVID-19 to Milwaukee

Says Trump has "waived the white flag" and surrendered to the coronavirus.

Big Crowd for Trump in Green Bay

Big Crowd for Trump in Green Bay

Supporters chant “Superman” as Trump brags of his recovery from COVID-19.

Rittenhouse Extradited to Wisconsin

Rittenhouse Extradited to Wisconsin

Illinois judge grants request. 17-year-old faces homicide charges in Kenosha shooting.

Appeals Court Hears MacIver Institute Case Against Evers

Appeals Court Hears MacIver Institute Case Against Evers

The MacIver Institute argued before appeals court first amendment rights were violated.